Armenian-Kurdish Dispute in Bourj Hammoud: Political or Criminal Reasons?

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A Kurdish official has said that the Armenian Tashnag party asked Syrian Kurds to leave several areas that have Armenian populations within Monday, warning them that they would pay LL3 million if they fail to abide by its orders.

The deputy head of the Kurdish Charity Mahmoud Siyala told al-Mustaqbal newspaper on Sunday that the Tashnag officials have given the Kurds the ultimatum to leave their houses in Bourj Hammoud, Dora and Nabaa by Monday for allegedly “drug use and acts that undermine public order.”

Al-Mustaqbal said there are around 8,000 Syrian Kurds in the three areas, hinting that the decision of the Armenian party came after they staged rallies against Syrian President Bashar Assad in Beirut.

But Tashnag MP Hagop Pakradounian told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the party’s decision has no political goal.

“All there is into it that these youths who have rented houses without contracts are bothering the residents and doing immoral things,” he said.

“The residents requested the party’s help after they signed a petition asking them (the Kurds) to leave the area,” Pakradounian said, stressing that “the Armenians have a history of struggle with the Kurds” against Turkey.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon 442 (Guest) 30 October 2011, 10:35

why now? why did you rented the houses in the first place ?

Missing singldad 30 October 2011, 10:36

they are taking lessons from hizballah...ignore the state institutions ...

Default-user-icon bypartisan (Guest) 30 October 2011, 14:52

and what would you do if the state fails for a reason or another? would you still wait for the darak to arrive and solve the issue? imagine that there is someone in your house (yes your house ya yeswecan and singldad) would you just wait for the state to arrive? and what if they never arrive? would you still be singing the song that goes: "this is something for the state to handle and not a party?" stop politicising everything and looking at things from the same lens.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 30 October 2011, 15:06

the arminian hizbullah syed pakradounian.

Default-user-icon Lebanese 1 (Guest) 30 October 2011, 18:17

Man hol el arman wel akrad wel souriye wel msarwe wel felastiniye kelloun kharej yfello men hal balad w nerja3 nestelmo ne7na. Khalas enough strangers on our soil.

Missing patrickseukun 30 October 2011, 20:08

نحن ما بدنا ياهن بل منطقة وهيدا كل شي والقصة مش سياسية

Missing patrickseukun 30 October 2011, 20:10

السبب أمني بيتعلق بشبابنا وبناتنا ومش أكتر

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 30 October 2011, 20:34

and guess who massacerred both armenian and kurds , we should pressure turkey to give back armenians and kurds their rights so they can go back
same for israel we should and intl world pressure israel so the palestinians go back to their rights
and some dare like joumblat give an example to follow turkey (2million armenian killed 150 villages of kurds whipped out ) way to go joumblat ur used to ethnic cleansing

Default-user-icon NoComments (Guest) 30 October 2011, 22:59

@ Lebanese 1

Barke inta bit fel ou bit rayi7 lebnen minnak, el Arman tej rasak ou tej ras ahlak... it's the only community that never did any harm to anyone. Armenians have contributed to the lebanese economy and keeps working hard, to be on neutral side...
@ Mustapha: Armenians are proud to be allied with Hizbullah, Their leader was nothing but good with Armenians.
@ Singldad: They don't need lessons from any side, and will never take lessons from any side. They will only teach you how to respect others.

If this incident happened for whatever reason, look at other regions where everyday people use guns, and have fights, so what once it happened .. get over it and go do something usefull

Missing lubnani 30 October 2011, 23:07

Mr or Mrs Lebanese 1, you're just an ignorant idiot, I even don't want to call you Lebanese because you don't deserve it, you are one of those who think Lebanon belongs to just one sect or may be to, unfortunately those like you brought the country to what it is, grow up and open your mind, lebanon belongs to all the Lebanese.

Missing lubnani 31 October 2011, 00:36

oua nabka, this is for you: behal tefkir mech rah tebka...for your information, the 95% of the Armenians in Lebanon are Lebanese citizens, most of them even before you were born, it is up to them to decide where to live, not you.

Default-user-icon lebo (Guest) 31 October 2011, 00:54

Lebanese 1...ou min entu??
Who is Lebanese and who's not? Phoenicians? Arabs? Kanaanites?
What are the borders of Lebanon? half of us believe Shebaa Farms are Lebanese, the other half say it's Syrian
Half of us back the army, while the other half draws "red lines" here and there against the army.
Is there any among the Lebanese groups who hasn't fired bullets on its brothers in the past 35 years?
What are you talking about?
The "balad" your talking about doesn't exist! To have a country aslan you need a people who agrees on its origins, borders, enemies, friends, language and institutions...hala2 tell me which criteria do we satisfy?
This decision was made after several Armenian youth were stabbed by kurds a few weeks ago.
We have a similar situation in al Nahr area now, they're filling up and starting to mess with the local residents, most of which are LF here.
Let tayyar al Mustaqbal invite them to their homes and areas if they love them so much...

Thumb geha 31 October 2011, 09:40

Lebanese people from all origins have the same rights in living in Lebanon as the rest, otherwise they should not have been given the nationality.
However, no one, group or single person, has the right to decide on their own of any matter which is of the state relevance.

Default-user-icon allah ouwet (Guest) 31 October 2011, 21:44

the tashnaq did what we didn't do...congragulations!

Default-user-icon تيمور عبدكي (Guest) 01 November 2011, 09:02

بالتاكيد هذه مشكلة لا تخدم الطرفيين ، على الارمن و الكورد ان لا يقومو يالقيام بحرب نيابة عن الاخرين ، وعلى طاشناق ان يتحرك بمسؤلية ،وان يقرا الاحداث التي تعصف بالمنطقة بشكل جدي و مسؤل ، انا اتفهم تعاطفه مع النظام السوري ولكن لا اتفهم وصفه للكورد بانهم يقومون بافعال مشينة و لا اخلاقية خاصة بعد كل السنين التي عاشها الكورد هناك في لبنان ، فكلا الشعبيين عانا من الاطهاد و هجروا من بلادهم الاصلية ، و من المعيب ان يستقوي مهجر على مهجر اخر خاصة و ان كلا الشعبيين مهجرين الى نفس البقاع المنتشرة في الشتات ، و اي تصرف لا مسؤل من اي طرف سيخلق مشاكل جمة في بقاع اخرى ، نحن الشعبين بغنى عنها ، فمصيرنا واحد علينا ان ندرك ذالك .

Default-user-icon aherko (Guest) 06 December 2011, 16:21

انا كنت ساكن بي الدورة لكن لم يكن لدينا مشاكل مع احد نحن نحب الشعب اللبناني لكن كان هونيك شباب زعرانا من الارمن عندما ناتي من الشغل لم ننظر اليهم كانو محششين يتاعاطوان المخدرات نحن هونا في القامشلي نحن و الارمن اخوة