Fugitive Killed in Clash with Army in al-Taybeh


A fugitive was killed Tuesday in an exchange of gunfire with the army in the Baalbek area of al-Taybeh, the military said in a statement.

It said troops opened fire at the plateless SUV of the fugitive, Hussein Ali Sawwan, after he failed to stop at a checkpoint and tried to run over one of the soldiers.

Sawwan succumbed to his injuries at a hospital in the region after being wounded in the shooting, the army added.

It noted that the man had been sentenced to hard labor on charges of murdering a person and that he was wanted on multiple arrest warrants.

“A Kalashnikov machinegun and a quantity of ammunition were seized from his car and Military Police has launched a probe into the incident,” the army said.


Comments 9
Thumb ice-man 20 October 2015, 19:16

Fugitive..? Baalbek...? Hussein Ali ...? A Kalashnikov machine-gun ...? Shia...? I simply refuse to believe it..!

Thumb liberty 21 October 2015, 03:59

ashraf nass...? iranian mercenaries...? drug dealers..? love the army...? resistance...? for sure!

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 October 2015, 11:37

Unlike you and your takfiri terrorists, we don't support them nor whine about the army doing what needs to be done. Good work LAF.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 21 October 2015, 13:44

his sectarian terrorist hizb supports thugs turned saints.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 October 2015, 16:29

any evidence to back your claim anonyme? or is it just the usual phantasmagorical stories you make up in your padded cell?

Thumb liberty 21 October 2015, 04:01

يُقيم "حزب الله" حواجز ليلية عند مداخل قرى بقاعية وجنوبية خلال إحيائه أمسيات عاشورائية خوفاً من أعمال إرهابية تطال تجمّعاته.

Thumb liberty 21 October 2015, 04:01

استدعاءات تمّت لمئات الشبان الزحلاويين على خلفية إطلاقهم النار خلال مناسبة تشييع الزعيم الياس سكاف، في حين لم يجرِ استدعاء أي من عناصر «حزب الله» الذين يطلقون النار في الضاحية الجنوبية ومناطق أخرى خلال تشييع مقاتلي الحزب الذين يسقطون في سوريا.

Missing mohammad_ca 21 October 2015, 08:09

Another safawite saint

Default-user-icon cudos (Guest) 21 October 2015, 08:16

Haydeh taybeh min el jeysh el libnene!