Iran State TV Claims Missing Lebanese Citizen is a U.S. Spy

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Iranian state television on Tuesday claimed that a Washington-based Lebanese citizen missing in Tehran since September is actually an American spy now in the custody of authorities.

However, those who know Nizar Zakka -- who holds permanent-resident status in the United States -- said an image of him in army-style fatigues shown on Iranian state TV came from him recently taking part in a homecoming parade as an alumnus of his military high school in Georgia.

The state TV report is the first official word in Iran about Zakka since his disappearance. It comes as four Americans are known to be held by Iranian authorities after the Islamic Republic struck a nuclear deal with world powers.

Jim Benson, the president of Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, said state TV even identified the wrong man in the image as Zakka.

"He's a good and decent man. There's nothing subversive about him," Benson told The Associated Press. "We're terribly worried about him and concerned about how his family is taking all of this."

Zakka disappeared Sept. 18 while visiting Tehran for a state-sponsored conference, according to a statement from the Washington-based group IJMA3-USA, which advocates for Internet freedom across the Middle East. Zakka was last seen leaving his hotel in a taxi for the airport to fly to Beirut, but he never boarded his flight, according to a statement last week signed by Lebanese lawyer Antoine Abou Dib.

Reached Tuesday by The Associated Press, Abou Dib said he had not heard of the Iranian claim and declined to immediately comment. IJMA3-USA did not immediately return a request for comment.

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said officials were aware of Zakka's case. However, "U.S. lawful permanent residents are not U.S. passport holders and would travel on the passport of their nationality," she said. "Consular assistance would be provided by the country of the individual's nationality."

Lebanese officials couldn't be immediately reached for comment.

The state TV report claimed Zakka had "deep links" with U.S. intelligence services and its military. It also aired a still photo of four men in U.S. Army-style uniforms, two carrying flags and the other two with rifles against their shoulders.

The TV identified a man on the far right as Zakka, though Benson said Zakka was the one on the far left.

Riverside Military Academy teaches both middle-school and high-school age boys. Though borrowing from military-style structure and discipline, the school does not teach boys how to shoot nor does it have links with the U.S. military, Benson said.

"The fact that he's in that uniform that day is nothing but a one day in one year event where he was representing the alumni of his class in the color guard," Benson said.

Riverside's website lists Zakka as an alumnus and describes him as "an internationally recognized expert in information and communications technology (ICT) policy." It said he graduated from the academy in 1985 and later earned bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science from the University of Texas.

Zakka's reported arrest comes as hard-liners in Iran remain opposed to a detente with the U.S. in the wake of the nuclear deal. That agreement reached earlier this year promises the lifting of crippling economic sanctions in exchange for curbs on Tehran's nuclear program.

Iranian hard-liners are opposed to moderate President Hassan Rouhani's strategy of trying to improve ties with the West. Internal domestic struggles over the direction of Iran appear to be intensifying ahead of February's parliamentary elections.

There also may be another plan: in August, Iranian media began quoting officials discussing the possibility of swapping Americans detained in Iran for 19 Iranians held in the U.S. It's unclear, however, whether that's been seriously discussed between Iranian and U.S. officials.

Americans held in Iran include Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, an Iranian-American convicted of charges including espionage in a trial widely criticized by the Post and free press groups. Others include former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, who holds dual Iranian and American citizenship and was arrested in August 2011, and Saeed Abedini, a pastor from Boise, Idaho, who was convicted in 2013 of threatening Iran's national security by participating in home churches. Another is reportedly Siamak Namazi, an Iranian-American businessman and the son of a politician from the era of the shah.

The U.S. also says it has asked for the Iranian government's assistance in finding former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who vanished in 2007 while working for the CIA on an unapproved intelligence mission. Iran has said in the past that it has no information on Levinson, though it did not rule out helping in the case.

Comments 21
Default-user-icon southern.sermeyeh (Guest) 03 November 2015, 14:22

Iran is the only democracy in the gulf

Missing humble 03 November 2015, 15:53

You mean in the world...

Thumb _mowaten_ 04 November 2015, 13:18

outrageous! how dare they refuse to be spied on? even merkel had to swallow up the fact that her phone was tapped by the NSA!

Missing peace 04 November 2015, 13:55

mooowaten: "gee them AFP stories are truly enlightening."

but not here it seems LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Thumb justin 03 November 2015, 15:35

where in the world did you read he was from M14!!!!

Thumb ex-fpm 03 November 2015, 16:40


Missing peace 03 November 2015, 20:54

sure southern is like a rabid dog ... whoever is against hezbollah is an M14...he cannot control himself and barks... even if he comes from Zimbabwe or Tahiti!

Thumb Mystic 04 November 2015, 10:28

It was a march 14 spy indeed. Good they caught him.

Missing peace 04 November 2015, 11:59

when one constantly says if you are against hezbollah it means you are a takfiri then tell us who has a binary mind, idiot trucky?

a few months back your motto was : if you are against hezbollah it means you are a zionist... the rhetoric changed but the binary mind remains...

Thumb justin 03 November 2015, 15:44

Iran Arrests Two Pro-Reform Journalists

Thumb justin 03 November 2015, 16:24

وكان زكا قد لبى حينها دعوة وجهتها له مستشارة الرئيس الإيراني لشؤون المرأة، شهيندخت مولاوردي، لحضور مؤتمر يتعلق بدور المرأة في التنمية والتوظيف وريادة الأعمال، إلا أن زكا اختفى أثناء مغادرته فندقه في العاصمة الإيرانية بعدما استقل سيارة أجرة باتجاه المطار، لكنه لم يغادر البلاد أصلاً بحسب المنظمة.

Thumb ex-fpm 03 November 2015, 16:38


yesterday mowaten said the two thugs who killed army soldiers in maameltein and were later killed themselves were not from ashraf al nass and not from hezbollah. Here are photos of them in hezbollah military fatigues.

_mowaten_ Yesterday
zoaiters have nothing to do with the resistance. only in your sectarian mind are they "the same" because they are of the same sect.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 03 November 2015, 16:47

the sectarian thug mowaten is paid to lie and spread iranian propaganda but at least he admits in his comment his terrorist resistance has a sect and therefore is sectarian.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 03 November 2015, 16:57

southern, is their a limit to how stupid you are?!

Missing humble 03 November 2015, 17:18

For those who have little doubt that imbassil is corrupt:

Default-user-icon Samy (Guest) 03 November 2015, 18:18


Thumb ice-man 03 November 2015, 18:37

samy!!!! my bestest friend;)!!!!
Are you referring to southern, mowaten, or flamethrower, or the 3 of them? Please, confirm. I await...

Thumb Maxx 03 November 2015, 22:18

LOL! Since when are U.S. Army personnel allowed to grow beards while on active service? The only time they are allowed to appear in uniform and a beard is when it's just a friggin' parade!!! Iran State TV should learn how to use Wikipedia... Oops! I totally forgot about the Internet censorship in Iran!

Thumb scorpyonn 04 November 2015, 07:00

What is he doing in that awful uncivilized primitive medieval country? Anyone who goes to that cesspool is risking having unfounded allegations hurled at them and being arrested. Iran is the scum of the earth and I hope that the next US President levels them. Nasty scumbags infested with vermin.

Default-user-icon lebozz (Guest) 04 November 2015, 13:12

BigQAWMIjohn what happened to your "innocent until proven guilty" or that works on supporters of Suriyya ya 7abibati?

Default-user-icon Sir, you are wrong (Guest) 04 November 2015, 15:06

You guess wrong, M14 Lebanese don't have a problem that Lebanese citizens could actually spy for Zionist run (foreign policy) America or Zionist entity is Israel because the Lebanese government have arrested and convicted dozens of Lebanese spying for Israel in LEBANON most of those were from the inner circle, close or from the Bee2a 7adina of HEZBALLAH!