Iranian Commander Killed in Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A senior officer in Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards unit has been killed in Syria, the fourth Iranian commander to die there in the last month, the Fars news agency said Tuesday.

Colonel Ezzatollah Soleimani died during an "advisory mission" near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, it said. 

Iranian media have since Saturday announced the deaths of five Iranians in Syria, bringing the total killed there to 20 since October 9.

Among those have been four Revolutionary Guards commanders, including General Hossein Hamedani, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, who was killed by the Islamic State jihadist group near Aleppo.

Iran supports the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and while it doesn't officially send troops to Syria, it has deployed military "advisers" to the war-torn country.

Comments 10
Thumb EagleDawn 03 November 2015, 19:29

"به درك واصل شد"، أي "إلى جهنم وبئس المصير".

Good Riddance.

Missing phillipo 04 November 2015, 12:32

The more the merrier.

Thumb ice-man 03 November 2015, 19:31

How terribly sad.... he was a good revolutionary guard.... an elite one.

Missing peace 03 November 2015, 20:53

condoleances to southern and his hezbi clique... what a loss! snif snif snif....

Missing mohammad_ca 04 November 2015, 01:23

Southern : newsflash : intelligent people do not follow vilayet e faqih so they don't "have to" do anything and certainly not something some dipstick tells them to do.

Missing mohammad_ca 04 November 2015, 04:50

Nope that would be your hizbollat militia under the order of vilayet e faqih

Thumb liberty 04 November 2015, 07:01

you meant as a concerned "iranian" citizen living in the USA, enjoying its freedom and prosperity but still have a dark shia soul?

Thumb Mystic 04 November 2015, 10:36

Honorable martyrs falls in combat like this hero, then the vultures come and eat the flesh of the dead = March 14 takfiris.

Missing peace 04 November 2015, 12:26

we know iranians are your heroes... why don't you go and live in Iran as you prefer it over Lebanon! LOL

Thumb thepatriot 04 November 2015, 11:22

lol abass