Militants Incur Casualties in Hizbullah 'Ambush' in Arsal Outskirts

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Two jihadist militants were killed and five others were wounded Thursday in a “Hizbullah ambush” in the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal, media reports said.

“A group of militants fell into an ambush set up by the mujahideen of the resistance in the Wadi al-Kheil area in Arsal's outskirts,” Hizbullah's al-Manar television said.

Quoting “the militants' sources,” the TV network said “they have admitted that two of their members were killed and five others were wounded.”

Meanwhile, Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) said the militants belong to al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front, also saying that two were killed and five others were wounded.

Most of the Syrian regions near Lebanon's border were captured over the past year by Syrian regime troops and Hizbullah fighters.

Militants from al-Nusra and the extremist Islamic State group are still however entrenched the outskirts of Arsal and other border areas.

Syria's civil war has regularly spilled over into Lebanon, with Nusra and IS jihadists briefly overrunning Arsal in August 2014 after gunbattles with the Lebanese army.

The jihadists withdrew after a ceasefire, but took with them several dozen hostages from the army and police, four of whom have since been executed.


Comments 14
Thumb EagleDawn 19 November 2015, 17:33

“A group of militants fell into an ambush set up by the mujahideen of the resistance in the Wadi al-Kheil area in Arsal's outskirts,” Hizbullah's al-Manar television said.

Mujahideen they are not; terrorists they are.
Resistance they are not; sectarian militia they are.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 November 2015, 19:07

lol, feeling sore? must be hard being you guys, supporting those losers :)

Missing CFTC 19 November 2015, 19:31

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "lol, feeling sore? ". Thank you Thank you

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 20 November 2015, 06:20

Hezbollah, Iran, and mowaten are the only 3 countries fighting terrorism at the moment.... the rest pffft.

Thumb thepatriot 20 November 2015, 09:39

momo... you're a cheap propagandist... no one here supports those a-holes... it's a win win case for us. Your extremists are no better than theirs!

Thumb _mowaten_ 20 November 2015, 11:38

patriot go and see the article about the dahieh bombing last week, and I dare you to come back here saying "no one supports those a-holes"

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 November 2015, 19:10

lol. thanks for the advice, but tell me, why do you suddenly sound much less joyful than last week?

Thumb Mystic 19 November 2015, 19:43

terrorist is one of those cute moderate salafis we heard about.
This cutie is trying to act tough again, save it for your shemale iceman.jean

Thumb ashtah 19 November 2015, 20:01

southern even your hero putin admits moderate rebels exist and he is co-operating with them

قال بوتين في مقابلة مع إنترفاكس ووكالة الأناضول التركية للأنباء: "نحن مستعدون لوضع أي معلومات موثوق بها بشأن موقع الجماعات الإرهابية في الاعتبار. بل إننا عملنا بالفعل مع الجيش السوري الحر".

وأضاف بوتين على هامش قمة مجموعة العشرين في أنطاليا بتركيا "يمكنني أن أؤكد أننا فتحنا قنوات اتصال مع المعارضة السورية في ميدان القتال، وطلبوا منا تنفيذ غارات جوية".

Thumb EagleDawn 19 November 2015, 20:03

Finally the iranian troll comes out of the closet and leaves behind his claim to being a secular atheist.... hahahahaha it's good when the true nature of the sectarian scum mowaten comes out, i was never fooled, and never cared, but at least now he can't deny it anymore. keep hating ya shia iranian hater, and take your hate to the grave

Thumb _mowaten_ 20 November 2015, 11:39

lol you guys have serious mental issues. what did I "confess" exactly? go get brains, or lives, or hang yourselves, anything but this pathetic shillshow

Default-user-icon defarto (Guest) 19 November 2015, 21:52

i miss defacto

Thumb kanaandian 20 November 2015, 11:31

hezbollah 2, saudi wahabi savages 0!

Default-user-icon Rajesh Dogra (Guest) 21 November 2015, 09:35

All of the Fighters are fighting for nothing.....

At the End of the day, only Blood soaked Land will remain......who cares whose blood...........

Is God or Allah such a pathetic creature that He needs Blood......Whosoever created the world, definitely was not for sucking Blood but for the world beautiful, enjoyable and livable.......In the name of Allah or God, all of the Blood mongers are insulting the whole creation itself........

Whether Asad or no Asad whether Hejbollah or no Hezbollah.....does that really matter for a child who needs jus Love , Peace and growth of Life beautiful and not destruction and sufferings.....

May Sanity returns to the Human race........The whole world is a single family (Vasudevaya Kutumbkamm) and let others live.Share the Bounties of Mother nature with each other and not Blood of Humans.