Report: Christians 'Uncomfortable with Muslims Naming President' as Franjieh to Meet al-Rahi

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Bishop Samir Mazloum stressed that Maronite patriarchate does not back a specific presidential candidate, adding that it “does not have a veto against anyone”, reported As Safir newspaper on Thursday.

He told the daily that Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, who is a potential nominee, is close to the church and “has the characteristics that qualify him to become president.”

“The four main Christian leaders in Lebanon have these characteristics and we will support whoever enjoys the majority,” he explained.

Meanwhile, a prominent Christian source in the March 14 alliance expressed to As Safir their “unease” with the manner in which Franjieh is being nominated.

“The method has created unease among Christians in general, Maronites in particular, especially after it appeared that Muslim powers hold sway in naming candidates,” it said.

He stressed that Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea eliminated the idea of choosing a candidate from among the main Christian leaders when he announced in June that he is ready to withdraw his presidential nomination in favor of a consensual candidate.

Mazloum remarked however that the four Christian figures had agreed during their meetings, held under the sponsorship of Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, that they are all potential presidential candidates.

The figures are Geagea, Franjieh, Change and Reform bloc chief Michel Aoun, and Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel.

Amid the debate on Franjieh's nomination, the Marada chief is expected to hold talks with al-Rahi on Friday to address the presidential elections.

Al-Mustaqbal daily Thursday said that the two officials will be holding a meeting in the “upcoming hours.”

The lawmaker met on Wednesday night with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat, who announced that Franjieh is qualified to be a “compromise president” as the former stressed that his possible nomination will not affect the unity of the March 8 camp.

“Walid Jumblat was the first figure who nominated me for the presidency in Lebanon and we will be on the same course in this period,” said Franjieh.

“My nomination has not become official until the moment and I believe that ex-PM (Saad) Hariri is 100% honest in his support for me and that he was serious in everything he said,” he added.

He was referring to a Paris meeting with Hariri last month that has sparked intense speculation that the two leaders agreed to Franjieh's nomination for the presidency. Hariri has also met in the French capital with Jumblat and Kataeb Party chief MP Sami Gemayel.

Hariri has meanwhile tasked his advisors in “expanding their contacts, which will include Bkirki," reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Thursday.

They will hold talks with al-Rahi as soon as he returns to Lebanon from abroad and ahead of Friday's Maronite Bishops Council meeting.

Comments 8
Thumb ex-fpm 03 December 2015, 09:00

Christians 'Uncomfortable with Muslims Naming President'

But Aoun and the FPM are comfortable and in fact demanding the President be directly elected by the moslem majority Lebanon.

Default-user-icon the_roar of roars (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:14

The General of Generals is the only Christian candidate that is supported by the shia of Lebanon and Iran in addition to the Christians of Lebanon..... the rest pffft.

Default-user-icon roukuz (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:16

I wonder where you are and how you are dear flamethrower as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting destination.... RIP SHIA Hero.

Default-user-icon Christian Shia Aouni (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:20

Yes, we are very uncomfortable naming Franjieh by the Muslims of Lebanon but if they name Aoun then we are very very comfortable and thankful..

Thumb justin 03 December 2015, 09:35

The Christians have not been able so far to name one Candidate and tell our Moslem partners that is the man or woman we want for President. So why are we complaining now?

Missing humble 03 December 2015, 09:41

We must admit that Frangieh is far better than the Caporal who is the worst choice ever.
Geagea is a good candidate, but it is a fact that he cannot get enough votes. Amine is a catastrophy and we owe him all the consequences of his inept presidency.
The solution is away of these 4 candidates.
I already proposed Samir Frangieh, Ziad Baroud, Jean Kahwaji, Neemat Frem, and Carlos Ghosn.

Missing humble 03 December 2015, 10:09

Please note that it is NOT Bishop Mazloum who said that, but a prominent figure of M14....

Thumb thepatriot 03 December 2015, 12:57
