Report: Geagea Adamant not to Nominate Franjieh for Presidency

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Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea is still adamant not to approve the nomination of MP Suleiman Franjieh for the post of presidency “even if that leaves him alone without any allies,” al-Akhbar daily reported on Thursday.

“Geagea will keep on rejecting the nomination of Marada leader Franjieh until the end, even if it leaves him alone without any allies,” said the paper.

The LF chief, who is awaiting an invitation from Saudi Arabia to visit the kingdom, is betting on the Riyadh's role and the possibility that it might obstruct the suggestion of al-Mustaqbal movement leader Saad Hariri to nominate Franjieh.

Unnamed sources said that Geagea, who has not given any statement on the new settlement regarding the presidential post, is expected to “break the silence” in the coming days where he will make a “major announcement,” according to As Safir daily.

Hariri is slated to head to Riyadh as well, after he holds a meeting with French President Francois Hollande and several March 14 figures in Paris.

A Paris meeting between Franjieh and Hariri last month has sparked intense speculation that the two leaders agreed to Franjieh's nomination for the presidency.

The possible settlement has not been officially announced and has drawn dismay among Christian leaders mainly the two candidates Geagea, of the March 14 camp, and Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun of March 8 camp.

Lebanon has been without a president since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014.

Conflicts between the rival March 8 and March 14 camps have thwarted all attempts to elect a successor.

The parliament adjourned for the 32nd time on Wednesday, a session to elect a head of state over a lack of quorum.



Comments 37
Thumb ex-fpm 03 December 2015, 09:02

You have earned the respect of the majority of Lebanese, Dr. Geagea.

Default-user-icon southern (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:20

Hello exfpm
Do you know why I was banned and no longer my posts appear as the top rated poster for the last 2 years? They also deleted my other 50 accounts and I am left with only one alias: "Alien".

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 12:50

Geagea is shaking in his boots, he's afraid Franjieh will make him pay for the murder of his family.

Missing CFTC 03 December 2015, 14:01

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "Geagea is shaking in his boots ". Thank you Thank you

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 15:08


Thumb Mystic 03 December 2015, 11:52

What majority is that? Saudi Arabia and America not Lebanon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 12:51

Exactly Mystic, these trolls are so deluded they often get confused

Default-user-icon mowaten.dartah (Guest) 03 December 2015, 15:52

and you call that a political statement mowaten?

Missing cedars 03 December 2015, 13:44

Check the school records or carnet of franjieh, he was spoiled by his grandpa and after girls...between berri and nasrallah I would chose the educated berri, between Aoun and frangieh I would chose Aoun,

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 14:23

since you hate all those you mentioned anyway, your opinion is of little credibility or relevance.

Thumb EagleDawn 03 December 2015, 14:41

lol and the iranian troll decides what is relevant.

Default-user-icon alien & southern (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:18

Geagea is going to the Wahabi Kingdom to get his salary, in cash!

Thumb the_roar 03 December 2015, 09:29

The LF chief, who is awaiting an invitation from Saudi Arabia to visit the kingdom!

what more need to be said?

but m14ers love KSA servants so no problemO there!

Thumb nickjames 03 December 2015, 09:38

Yes Roar, he is waiting to go to KSA to ask why Hariri is backing Franjieh. If your senile general wasn't so old he would be waiting to go to Iran, but his stooge Bassil does that for him.

You made such a worthless post.

Missing humble 03 December 2015, 09:36

You are right. But we must admit that Frangieh is far better than the Caporal who is the worst choice ever.
Geagea is a good candidate, but it is a fact that he cannot get enough votes. Amine is a catastrophy and we owe him all the consequences of his inept presidency.
The solution is away of these 4 candidates.
I already proposed Samir Frangieh, Ziad Baroud, Jean Kahwaji, Neemat Frem, and Carlos Ghosn.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 03 December 2015, 09:52

humble, Franjieh is Christian by name. He will do anything that Assad would tell him to do even if it means killing fellow Christians. The history of the Franjieh family is shining with such examples.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 12:53

lol lebjack, have you forgotten that geagea sided with syria when they invaded baadba?

Thumb _mowaten_ 03 December 2015, 12:54

lol lebjack, have you forgotten that geagea sided with syria when they invaded baadba?

Thumb nickjames 03 December 2015, 19:57

No we haven't forgotten that Geagea sided with Syria. I mean it's really not that surprising given Aoun attacked LF areas twice between 1989-90.

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:40

I don't understand why people keep criticizing Hariri and Jumblat for nominating Franjieh simply because he is an Assad lover. After all Aoun said we have no problem with Syria now that Syria has left Lebanon ( Thanks to the General of Generals efforts ).

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 03 December 2015, 09:42

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should dump Hariri and have Geagea as its main ally in Lebanon. At least the man is consistent and solid.

Thumb Mystic 03 December 2015, 12:02

Is Geagea and Hariri now fighting for the Saudis grace? Now that is indeed worth a laugh.

Default-user-icon mowaten (Guest) 03 December 2015, 09:47

I have no doubt that Aoun will be our next president and I have been rarely wrong.

Missing humble 03 December 2015, 10:04

What? A born loser????

Default-user-icon kazan (Guest) 03 December 2015, 10:06

The shelf life of present political figures, whether politically or physically, will expire one day; we have seen similar figures in the past, and heard the same rethorics . Unfortunately , in the future we will see again same style of rhetorics from future politicians ; the reason is very simple: it is the Lebanese political system and its constitution ,both created a fertile soil and a nursery in cloning such destructive politicians and the root cause of discrimination and inequality among the population. A precondition for sustainable democracy is equal rights for its people , a precondition that the people of one country are united as one nation serving one flag is equal rights no matter what their religion or ethnic background. Let's hope one day the people of Lebanon will finally be convinced...

Thumb Mystic 03 December 2015, 11:56

Whoever becomes President, the question about the Resistance in Syria should already be dropped, they will stay there aslong as it deems neccasary, it is for the protection of Lebanon and the whole free world.

Thumb thepatriot 03 December 2015, 14:51

lol mystic! And thank you for the may 7th protection as well. And thank you for the July war protection. You can keep your protection thank you.

Thumb Mystic 03 December 2015, 16:20

May 7th was the March 14s own fault, they wanted to mess with the Resistance communications they got what was coming to them, a hard smack.

Since then March 14 knew their place.
July war was an Israeli aggression, just like the countless of other breaches they have laid upon Lebanon, the Resistance fought while the cowards told them to stop.

Thumb thepatriot 03 December 2015, 17:37

yeah... that's the problem... if we "mess" with you, you take it up the streets with weapons. Thugs!

Thumb nickjames 03 December 2015, 19:59

July War was an Israeli aggression?? How? It was Hezbollah who started the stupid war by launching a cross-border raid and kidnapping Israeli soldiers.

Missing peace 03 December 2015, 22:02

sure the patriot: hezbollah have no brains only kalashnikov to replace it... mess with them then they forget their promise not to point guns against lebanese...

they do not respect lebanese state how would they respect its citizens!!!!!!

Default-user-icon The-truth (Guest) 03 December 2015, 12:10

To the lebjackoff my knowledge about the Frangieh's history especially president Suleiman Frangieh in any other country should be convicted because he stood by his Christians. in the war against the Palestinians and Muslims he gave equipped weapons to the Christians (Lebanese forces) and not the army in my opinion he is more Christian than the scums that destroyed his family and tired to destroy his village. But people tend to forget things when they bring up the dead past that is why the country will not move forward.

Default-user-icon The-truth (Guest) 03 December 2015, 13:07

To the lebjackoff my knowledge about the Frangieh's history especially president Suleiman Frangieh in any other country should be convicted because he stood by his Christians. in the war against the Palestinians and Muslims he gave imported weapons to the Christians (Lebanese forces) and not the army in my opinion he is more Christian than the scums that destroyed his family and tired to destroy his village

Thumb zahle1 03 December 2015, 14:16

I support in many ways the way the LF fights to preserve Christians in Lebanon. However I hate how Christian leaders are either tied to Iran or KSA. How to we break this in Lebanon. I don't want either influence in my country,

Default-user-icon azziz (Guest) 03 December 2015, 15:15

Alakhbar, or the best source for secret geagea inner circle hush hush information.

Default-user-icon Just wondering (Guest) 03 December 2015, 15:28

your transformation Southern is now complete. After being banned as -.Southern. you used one of your many accounts "Alien", then you changed the alien avatar and now you changed the name back to Southern. Well done.
... and you told us you don't even vote!

Default-user-icon 111 (Guest) 03 December 2015, 16:34

geagea does not really need to elect frangieh, as he has always been saying let the mps go to parliament and elect a president, we'll congratulate the winner whomever it is.
besides no matter how you slice it, the "aoun or no president" formula is no longer viable.