Report: Canadian Tourist Dies in Egypt after Being Shot

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A hapless Canadian tourist who was shot in a southern Egyptian family feud died on Saturday after an unsuccessful operation, the state-owned al-Ahram newspaper reported on its website.

The man, identified as Jean Francois, was shot when his taxi refused to stop at a checkpoint manned by villagers from al-Samata, who were looking for members of a rival clan, the report said.

He was heading to Sohag province to visit an ancient temple, the paper said.

The Canadian embassy could not confirm the incident, while al-Ahram reported that villagers had expressed their contrition at the death and would send a delegation to the embassy.

Violent family feuds in the underdeveloped south can sometimes engulf several towns and may fester for years.

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