Aoun Says War in Syria Ongoing because of Hidden Motives

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun said on Saturday that the war is ongoing in Syria because the stated demands for reform are not the real motives behind war.

“It is important to respond to the international media outlets that are reporting incidents opposite to the facts on ground,” Aoun said during a meeting with a European Catholic delegation.

He discussed with the delegation, which spent a week in Syria between Homs, Banias and Hama, the latest developments in Syria.

According to a statement by the FPM media relations department, the delegation slammed the satellite channel al-Jazeera for “publishing incorrect reports,” suggesting to “establish a television network to refute all the lies.”

The revolt in Syria has deepened the rift between the March 8-dominated government and the March 14-led opposition.

More than 3,500 people have been killed in the Syrian regime's brutal crackdown on dissent, the U.N. human rights office said, deploring the slaughter that went on despite a peace plan.

Comments 14
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 19 November 2011, 22:24

Hey Aoun, Why doesn't ASSad let in the Arab observers and the foreign media so they can report your point of view? I am sure the world will tune into O TV and Manar so they can see the truth.

Bt the way, which Tuesday was it that Bashar would have everything under control?

Default-user-icon G.Nasrallah (Guest) 19 November 2011, 22:34

So why dont they allow the international media to acsess the streets and do its job .

Default-user-icon M60 (Guest) 19 November 2011, 23:23

Thanks Aoun for informing and updating us on the situation in Syria,your update is news breaking.Looks like you are going to end up in exile in Africa somewhere very soon.

Default-user-icon Libnane (Guest) 20 November 2011, 00:44

Exactly correct minlibnan. It's obvious that this man has sold his soul to Syria, Hizbo & Iran...the thing that I can't figure out is HOW this man is actually taken seriously by anybody in Lebanon anymore. HOW does he have followers anymore? It's incredible.

Missing m.c. 20 November 2011, 01:48

How could anyone anymore look people in the eyes and deny what is happening in Syria. This guy does it with a smile on his face. He either hates the sunnis beyond believe or loves himself beyond righteousness.

Default-user-icon reaper (Guest) 20 November 2011, 08:47

fact: march 8 / michel aoun/ hezbollah , the syrian regime and iran are isolated from the rest of the world. ( besides their rogue friend north korea) no conspiracy. just fact. the only way for march 8 to survive is through thuggery, dictatorship, assassinations, control,manipulation,lies, threats, war, corruption, bribery.

Default-user-icon Tabboush (Guest) 20 November 2011, 09:57


If you dislike Naharnet so much, why do you bother reading everything on it and why do you spend so much time commenting? I'm sure that there are plenty of news sites out there who are reporting the news the way you like to read it. Get your "truth" from them and leave us revel in our "ignorant" status.

You are definitely "smarter" than most of us since you have already figured out those things that would take us years to understand. Perhaps it you spent less time hammering your "truths" into our stupid little heads, we will spend a little more time believing that what you have to say is worthy of note.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 20 November 2011, 10:31

didnt he just say last week that the situation in syria was stable and the crisis was over?

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (Guest) 20 November 2011, 12:34

This guys amazes me...

He was a hero before his return from Paris and now he turned to a ZERO

Missing peace 20 November 2011, 13:48

soooooooooo funny... the syrian regime refuses any media to go and report what is going on and then says that the news are incorrect!

if this murderous regime was so sure of its rights and love of its people it wouldn t be afraid nor ashamed to let anyone report !

if the revolution was as they pretend a western plot (which is contradicted by the fact that even israel is afraid of the fall of assad!!!!) then they would let the world see by itself the reality of the demonstrations!!!

so people like bigdig better think twice before saying as usual that israel is behind all this!

by the way your puppet leaders say that assad is stronger than ever in syria and that everything is under control so why are you so afraid of the "lies" of the media? it shouldn t bother you so much knowing that assad is there to stay even if the news say the contrary....

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 20 November 2011, 16:23

Our Job in Lebanon at this time is to re-arm every house, it is unfortunate that we are going back to the painful War days, this time it is going to be an internal war and more costly. There is no worry about the minority because they already kept their arms and controlled area. In the beginning the majority will pay the expensive price just as their political figures were assassinated, now it will become very clear that the other side (minority) will force itself to control the region one way or another,in other words by force as they assassinated and butchered any high political figure (same assassinations has happened to the opposition political figures in Syria).

Default-user-icon saxo (Guest) 20 November 2011, 18:54

وفد أوروبي سمح له بزيارة مناطق سورية ولم ينسى أن يزور ميشال عون على طريقه ، من المؤكد أنهم جداً موضوعيين ومحايدين .

Default-user-icon joe0922 (Guest) 20 November 2011, 19:35

I thought the crisis as over on Tuesday of last week? International media? which ones? Why the staunch defence of this regime rather than a call for it to reform 7 months ago to avoid all this crap? The truth is, Aoun has lost his legitimacy and anyone who follows him either does not listen to what he says or is demented! enough...

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (Guest) 21 November 2011, 02:28

Bashar is doomed (just a question of what Putin will get to let him down)...

and you and Rai who are so idiots and blind will go with him to Iran