4 Killed as Dispute over 'Dog' Erupts into Gunfire in Ashqout


Four people were killed on Thursday in the Keserwan town of Ashqout in a dispute between neighbors, state-run National News Agency reported.

It identified the victims as Jean Paul Hoballah, Paul Hoballah, Isabelle Hoballah and Antoine Chidiac, saying they were shot dead in Ashqout's al-Shmeis neighborhood.

Media reports identified the shooter as General Security warrant officer Tony Abboud.

He eventually turned himself in to a General Security post in the town of Rayfoun, NNA said.

“The shooter was infuriated after his daughter was harassed by a dog, which prompted him to shoot the dog owner and the owner's father and mother,” the agency reported.

Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) meanwhile said that the victims were residents and not natives of the town.

Comments 7
Thumb ex-fpm 13 October 2016, 16:54

In Lebanon, the lowest ranking member of any security agency thinks and acts as if he is King and that people owe him something.

This is a horrific crime no doubt.

Thumb ashtah 13 October 2016, 17:18

lol; i have one of those living in my building on the ground floor. He is 28 years old and thinks we should all salute him and give him privileges.

Thumb EagleDawn 13 October 2016, 18:38

4 Killed as Dispute over 'mowaten' Erupts into Gunfire in Ashqout

Thumb justin 13 October 2016, 20:30

"lbci": جريمة في الضاحية حيث إستدرج افراد من آل مشيك إبن عمهم الذي خطف شقيقتهم فإستدرجوه، ولدى حضوره لأخذ الرضى قتلوه برصاصة في الرأس.

Thumb justin 13 October 2016, 20:38

قتل شخص من “آل مشيك” في منطقة الصفير في الضاحية الجنوبية خلف قناة “المنار”.وفي تفاصيل الحادث، ان المدعو مشيك اقدم على خطف ابنة عمه للزواج بها منذ 3 ايام، وتمت دعوة العريس الخميس الى منزل اهل العروس المخطوفة للاتفاق على صلحة بين العائلتين، وخلال الجلسة اقدم شقيق الفتاة وهو عسكري على إطلاق رصاصتين في فم العريس، ما ادى الى وفاته على الفور.

Missing humble 13 October 2016, 20:57

All killers end up in the fires of Hell.

Default-user-icon Pittythisnation (Guest) 14 October 2016, 11:14

Disgusting! 4 human beings killed over a dog. Tony Abboud should be hanged!