Kaag Visits ABAAD Safe House on Int'l Day for Eliminating Violence against Women

As the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag and Norwegian Ambassador Lene Natasha Lind visited Friday “Al Dar,” one of ABAAD’s safe houses for women and girl survivors or at high risk of violence.
Al Dar provides shelter to Lebanese, Syrian, and women from other origins, in addition to a wide range of medical, legal and psycho-social services to facilitate healing and recovery.
The Special Coordinator and Ambassador Lind met and discussed with the staff, beneficiaries and survivors “ways to fight and prevent violence and protect women and girls,” Kaag's office said in a statement.
During the visit, the Special Coordinator stressed the importance of protection programs, stating that the safe houses have saved the lives of many women and girls facing violence.
Kaag also underscored “the urgency to stop all violence against women and girls,” and also to “put in place the necessary institutional and legal mechanisms to provide protection and ensure legal recourse.”

Asked about Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution, which reserves half of Parliamentary seats for the minority yet priveleged Christians, Kaag said, "We have something like that in my country, and it's not necessarily evil. I mean, we find that whatever NATO tells us to do always turns out well for us." Asked about Libya and Afghanistan as examples where NATO hurt not only the world but itself, Kaag replied, "A lady does not discuss such things."