Regime Takes Two More Rebel Districts in Aleppo as 4,000 Civilians Flee

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syria regime forces on Sunday seized two new rebel-held districts in Aleppo a day after they retook the largest opposition-controlled neighborhood in the second city, a monitor said.

"The army and its allies retook control of Jabal Badro and Baadeen", both adjacent to Masaken Hanano which was retaken on Saturday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

It earlier reported that more than 4,000 civilians had fled eastern Aleppo in the past 24 hours as regime forces advanced against rebel-held districts.

The Observatory said that nearly 1,700 civilians had fled to government-held parts of western Aleppo and another 2,500 to the Kurdish-controlled northern district of Sheikh Maksoud.

The Britain-based Observatory, which relies on a wide network of sources inside Syria for its information, said earlier more than 500 civilians had fled east Aleppo towards government-held areas of the divided battleground city.

This exodus -- the first of its kind since 2012 -- comes after the Syrian regime seized the city's largest rebel-held district of Masaken Hanano on Saturday in its latest assault to retake the entire city.

Comments 15
Thumb Mystic 27 November 2016, 12:47

This is good, they should all go through the corridors and let the takfiri gangs fend for themselves.

Missing cedars 28 November 2016, 02:11

Which corridor ? The one that can be filled with water and electricity by Assad army.

Thumb EagleDawn 27 November 2016, 12:55

The white helmets even bury children alive and then they call on cameras to watch as they dig babies up, it's all part of the American propaganda.”

See how the white helmets are burying children and calling on cameras to watch them dig up the babies:

فيديو مؤلم من حلب المحاصرة.. استخراج طفل على قيد الحياة من بين الركام...

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2016, 13:03

You mean these white helmets?

Or your definition of Aleppo?

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 November 2016, 10:58

rami makhlouf smoking a cuban cigar on a big chair being like "muahahahaha"


Thumb EagleDawn 28 November 2016, 12:49


Thumb justin 27 November 2016, 14:50


Thumb Mystic 27 November 2016, 15:27

A Syrian Army soldier reunifying with his family after years of salafi occupation in the newly liberated Hanano district of Aleppo.

Thumb marcus 27 November 2016, 18:19

didn't you say the rebels were holding the civilians hostage ya irani?

Thumb Mystic 27 November 2016, 18:49

In Anti hostage situtations, the hostage takers are usually killed and hostages freed.

So you can guess what happend then, your moderate friends are losing Aleppo steadily now.

Missing incorruptible 27 November 2016, 21:08

The rebels, by fighting a losing fight, are holding the civilians hostages. There is no potential scenario for a rebel victory in Syria. As such any action besides surrendering is irresponsible and putting the civilian population at risk.

The rebels are thus as responsible as that brutal regime for the death of civilians.

Thumb liberty 28 November 2016, 03:47

yes the rebels are thus you filth.

Thumb shab 27 November 2016, 22:56

Why are they fleeing ? I don't believe they all are terrorists. Something is wrong when one flees from it's army.

Missing cedars 28 November 2016, 02:10

If the civilians stay then they all end up in the mosque and Assad army will fill it with water and electricity as Assad father accomplished years ago in Hamah. History speaks for itself.

Thumb EagleDawn 28 November 2016, 12:49
