Franjieh Says Berri Offered Him Public Works Portfolio, Urges 'Openness' from Others
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Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh announced after talks in Ain el-Tineh Monday that Speaker Nabih Berri has officially offered him the public works ministerial portfolio.
“Speaker Berri has offered us the public works portfolio and an agreement is still needed over other portfolios and we thank Speaker Berri for this,” Franjieh said.
“Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri has also shown flexibility in this regard,” the Marada chief revealed.
He added: “Our candidate for this ministry is Youssef Finianos and we're awaiting the stances of the other parties, and we hope others, topped by President Michel Aoun, will show openness.”
Asked about the Lebanese Forces' stance on the issue of the public works portfolio, Franjieh told reporters to “ask the Free Patriotic Movement.”
“It knows more about the LF's demands,” he added.
Franjieh's visit to Ain el-Tineh followed a morning meeting in Bkirki with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, who is reportedly trying to mend ties between the Marada chief and Aoun.
Ties between Aoun and Franjieh were strained after the latter was nominated for the presidency by al-Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri in late 2015.

who is Berri to offer anyone a ministry in the proposed cabinet?!

Nassrallah (through Berri) is acting both as President and Prime Minister.

surely you will die before, caused by bitterness and for how many times you slap your face.

This is the most profitable ministry? The Shia leadership, being Nassrallah and Berri, the latter of whom has no followers, is conspiring to keep the Shia masses, the majority of the population, from gaining equal voting rights. The other warlords are treating Berri as if he has power so they can say they are giving the Shia voice their full attention. Meanwhile warlords are doing what warlords do. If Nassrallah forgets how to fight, like the rest of them have forgotten how to fight, Lebanon is in trouble. Maybe then the minorities will decide that democracy is worth all the trouble, all the uncertainty, giving everbody a chance and holding them responsible for what they do with it.

Good work. Keep staling until Aoun croaks. Then with no president, no government, a complete collapse of the current political system and an armed Islamic militia that vie for a new political system based on the Iranian Islamic republic; times become ripe for a new deal where "la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure".

The issue is that whatever Franjie pretends, he, Berri, the basij and the Jahilie clown are all an instrument of the butcher of Syria. They are all poison to Lebanon's democracy, sovereignty, freedom and dignity; and an insult to the millions of the Cedar Revolution that without firing a shot kicked the occupier out. Unless the new government starts with demarcating the border to the east and disarming all militias/basij... they will not be worth a penny nor deserve any respect. It is time for Cedar Revolution II to rise independent of all these corrupt impotent that do not represent us. Stop hijacking the Cedar Revolution slogan as you are all innocent of its meaning.