Report: STL Delegation in Lebanon ‘Soon’ to Inquire about Suspects

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A delegation from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare’s office will visit Beirut soon to meet with General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza, Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel, al-Liwaa newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The daily reported that the delegation is expected to inquire the Lebanese officials about the exerted efforts to detain four Hizbullah suspects indicted in ex-PM Rafik Hariri’s murder, and the difficulties hindering the implementation of the international arrest warrants.

On Monday, the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported that the STL sent a letter to Mirza asking him about the efforts of Lebanese authorities to find the four suspects.

Mirza, in his turn, handed the letter to Charbel, according to the newspaper.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has continuously dismissed the tribunal as a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy, vowing that no member of the party would ever be found or arrested.

The delegation, according to al-Liwaa, will reiterate the STL’s relief over paying Lebanon’s dues.

Last week, the tribunal confirmed Lebanon's full payment for 2011 was received as Lebanon is responsible for meeting 49 percent of the funding of the tribunal created by a 2007 U.N. Security Council resolution at Lebanon's request.

Comments 3
Missing allouchi 06 December 2011, 15:20

look in IRAN, Syria or Hizb/Amal controlled areas....we all know that...

Default-user-icon Flubby (Guest) 06 December 2011, 16:48

Considering how much of an intellect allouchi is and how vast his knowledge is, rest assured, my friends, that when he leaves Israel & Co. out he knows even more than what we really think that he knows. WE WANT ALLOUCHI TO HEAD THE STL, AND WE WANT IT NOW. We also want Ghawar al Tochi to assist him, just like Sherlock and Watson, the perfect team.

Missing peace 06 December 2011, 19:03

funny how those M8 guys have only a binary view of the world... just like georges bush good and evil... for these hezbi robots it s israeli or lebanese!

if you disagree with the hezb and their terror you are then an israeli! no way you can see the world differently! so funny! :)

a simplist and naive view like that is typical of extremists people... and also very demagogic and populist just like their leaders tell them to be!