Thousands Flee Syria Army Advance in North

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Tens of thousands of Syrian civilians have fled advancing Russian-backed regime forces fighting Islamic State group jihadists in the north over the past week, a monitoring group said Saturday. 

Most of the more than 30,000 fleeing civilians in Aleppo province were women and children, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

It said the army had retaken several villages from IS during a vast offensive that was still ongoing on Saturday.

Most of the civilians who fled went to areas around Manbij, under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters backed by the United States that is also fighting IS, it said.

Comments 5
Missing 04 March 2017, 14:45

When the FSA advances against ISIS, civilians flee into areas controlled by FSA. When the regime army and supporting militias advances against ISIS, civilians flee away from them. That by itself is telling.

Missing 04 March 2017, 15:41

More lies by blablabla ... The overwhelming majority of refugees from rebel held areas are in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Otherwise, why they do not go to government held areas? Because in government held areas, hundreds of thousands are arrested and tens of thousands liquidated.

Thumb ex-fpm 04 March 2017, 16:10

lol @ frencheagle
lol @trollspotter
lol @blablablabla

Missing 04 March 2017, 17:06

FYI .... SOHR says 30k have fled clashes b/w Syria army and IS in past week. Co-chair of Manbij civilian council tells @AFP it's as many as 40k

Thumb gigahabib 05 March 2017, 21:58

Funny, because the SDF is now officially allied with the Syrian government.