American University of Beirut Settles U.S. Lawsuit over Hizbullah

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The American University of Beirut will pay $700,000 to settle a U.S. lawsuit over allegations it provided "material support" to entities linked to Hizbullah, U.S. officials said.

AUB confirmed in a statement Friday it was settling the lawsuit, which charged it had violated the terms of grants it received from U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan announced the deal on Thursday, saying AUB would be required to pay the U.S. government $700,000 (650,000 euros) and revise its internal policies to ensure future compliance with U.S. law.

"For years, the American University of Beirut accepted grant money from USAID, but failed to take reasonable steps to ensure against providing material support to entities on the Treasury Department's prohibited list," said Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said.

"With today's settlement, the University is being made to pay a financial penalty for its conduct, and importantly, it has admitted to its conduct and agreed to put proper precautions in place to ensure that it does not happen again."

The civil lawsuit charged that AUB violated U.S. law by providing media training between 2007-2009 to representatives of two media outlets -- Al-Nour Radio and Al-Manar television -- under U.S. sanctions for their ties to Hizbullah.

It also accused AUB of listing the Hizbullah-linked Jihad al-Binaa, also under U.S. sanctions, on the university's NGO database.

Hizbullah is listed as a "terrorist" group in the United States and entities linked to it are also under sanctions.

In its statement, AUB said it acknowledged the accusations.

But it insisted "AUB does not agree that its conduct was knowing, intentional or reckless."

It welcomed the settlement and said it would conduct additional training of faculty and staff on U.S. law going forward.

AUB was founded in 1866 and is considered one of Lebanon's leading universities.

Comments 16
Thumb EagleDawn 25 March 2017, 13:00

It also accused AUB of listing the Hizbullah-linked Jihad al-Binaa, also under U.S. sanctions, on the university's NGO database.

Jihad al Binaa is an NGO is like saying @mowateh is Lebanese.

Thumb chrisrushlau 25 March 2017, 14:19

This current "America" is absolutely dead set against majority rule with minority rights. And yet at the top of this America is a president who believes in majority rule with minority rights.

Thumb Mystic 25 March 2017, 17:51

Now that is a funny comment, because I went there.
All lebanese of all sects goes to that university.

Missing peace 25 March 2017, 18:21

seems you learned nothing, you'd better not boast about it LOL!

Thumb Elemental 25 March 2017, 22:56

You're Iranian though.

Thumb enterprise 25 March 2017, 23:48

judging by his command of the English language, one would have thought the heretic was an Oxford or Harvard graduate.

AUB graduate.....looool.

Thumb kanaanljdid 26 March 2017, 16:16

All arrogant and spoiled Lebanese with wealthy corrupted parents go there you mean! This is a low level University for lazy young people whose life is only expensive holidays, big cars and shopping.

Missing yale2times 01 April 2017, 15:42

Wasn't a course in basic English a requirement to graduate?

Thumb shab 25 March 2017, 22:42


Thumb Elemental 25 March 2017, 22:57

Not surprised, you can see both AUB and Balamand are basically submissive to Iran to begin with. Bought degrees.

Missing mohammad_ca 26 March 2017, 15:52

"Death to America... unless we are getting an education".

Thumb EagleDawn 26 March 2017, 17:47

or a visa

Missing mohammad_ca 26 March 2017, 17:55

Yes, then we change our rhetoric to "it's only ISIS that seeks to destroy America. We are peaceful citizens lol"

Thumb kanaanljdid 26 March 2017, 16:18

SOS, don't talk about meritocraty, it could make mystic, bigjohn and the other spoiled children getting mad.

Missing mohammad_ca 26 March 2017, 17:58

Who needs an education when you can get paid to "carry out your jihadist duty" for vilayet e faqih

Missing yale2times 01 April 2017, 15:44

Let me guess. You're uncircumcised.