4 Officers among 12 Dead as Saudi Helicopter Crashes in Yemen


Twelve Saudi soldiers, including four officers, were killed on Tuesday when their helicopter went down in Yemen, the Arab coalition fighting Yemeni rebels said in a statement.

The Saudi Black Hawk "fell during operations in the province of Marib" east of Sanaa, the coalition said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency, without clarifying the reason.

"The causes of the incident are being investigated," the statement added.

Coalition spokesman General Ahmed Assiri told AFP it was "too early" to comment on the causes of the crash, which is one of the deadliest incidents involving coalition forces in Yemen.

The rebel-controlled Saba news agency said a helicopter crashed east of the provincial capital Marib without giving further details.

A Saudi-led coalition began air strikes over Yemen in March 2015 in support of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi's internationally recognized government in its fight against Iran-backed Huthi rebels.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which play key roles in the coalition, have suffered the alliance's heaviest losses in Yemen, with dozens of soldiers killed.

In September 2015, a rebel missile strike on a coalition base in Marib killed 67 coalition soldiers, most of them Emiratis.

The United Nations says that more than 7,700 people have been killed since March 2015 in Yemen, which also faces a serious risk of famine this year.

Seven ceasefires brokered between government and rebel forces by the United Nations have failed, while U.N.-backed peace talks have repeatedly broken down.

Comments 12
Missing peace007 18 April 2017, 18:32

No sense in rejoicing over death. God Bless them. I don't blame them for there corrupt leaders.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 April 2017, 12:20

if you saw how saudi soldiers/policemen/officers behaved with regular (ie: non "princely") people, you would blame them

Thumb ex-fpm 19 April 2017, 16:07

and you saw?

Thumb gigahabib 18 April 2017, 19:06

The beautiful babies...

Thumb liberty 18 April 2017, 20:33

gigaheretic/mowaten started unleashing his auxiliary assistants;)

Thumb Mystic 18 April 2017, 21:30

Well he did not care about the beautiful babies from Kafraya and Fuaa.

Thumb gigahabib 18 April 2017, 22:56

Lol at yahoudi38 feigning sympathy for the death of those he otherwise denounces as "heretics".

Thumb Mystic 18 April 2017, 21:26

Death to Saud.

Thumb galaxy 19 April 2017, 00:25

and to you, your family, your children and loved ones.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19 April 2017, 04:01

Mystic ... Why am I not surprised to see you celebrating death

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 April 2017, 12:19

of course we rejoice!! loooool

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 April 2017, 12:22

and lol sauditheocrat.com, when your beloved terrorists blow up babies and behead people in syria you clap for them, but when saudi murderers crash in their US-made junk suddenly you're too shy to "celebrate death"? ya hypocrite troll