Administrative or Political Mishap? Syrian Refugee Camps Face March 8 Rejection

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Several March 8 ministers have rejected a measure by the Higher Relief Council to give Syrians, who have escaped their country, refugee cards and establish camps for 50,000 refugees, As Safir daily reported Tuesday.

During a cabinet session held at Baabda palace on Monday, the ministers expressed fears that such a move would put “political, administrative, financial, security and demographic” burdens on the Lebanese state under the pretext of humanitarian support.

They said the government should prevent the measures taken by the head of the HRC, Brig. Gen. Ibrahim Bashir.

According to As Safir, the ministers wondered whether Bashir’s decision was in harmony with the stance of the government from the developments in Syria and its official rejection to establish refugee camps for the Syrians who have escaped the bloody crackdown by the Assad regime on protestors.

But the newspaper quoted Premier Najib Miqati as saying that the move was an “administrative mishap and had no political intentions.”

“We have previously rejected the establishment of camps for Syrian refugees in Lebanon,” he stressed to appease the fears of the ministers.

There are an estimated 3,798 Syrian nationals registered with the U.N. High Commission for Refugees and the HRC, the agency said last month.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 13 December 2011, 14:43

What to expect from a government formed by a criminal regime and a criminal organization. What to expect from Aoun the new Kadafi and his ministers the new political mafia and masters of political blackmail and influence peddling for personal profit. Assad and Ahmadinajad are dead men walking and their oppressive regimes living on borrowed times. Nassrallah and Berri have taken the Shia community to the abyss and must be held accountable by their community. Aoun has sold Lebanon's freedom and dignity to Assad and Nassrallah in hope of becoming president and caused serious harm to our democracy and relation with the civilized world. He is a curse on the Christian community and the damage he caused will take generations to fix. What is certain by 2013 is that Assad, Ahmadinajad, Nassrallah, Berri, Aoun and company will all be standing in front of people court to answer for their crimes.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 13 December 2011, 16:37

In the next war the Hezz starts with Israel, they shouldn't expect refuge in Syria either. This is totally political from M8. Why dont't they ask for financial assistance from the UN instead of rejecting these poor people threatened with death from ASSad.

Default-user-icon Murad (Guest) 13 December 2011, 16:44

So for less than 3800 Syrian "refugees" they need to make a "refugee" camp for 50000? Of course, there's no conspiracy! Right?

Default-user-icon Robert Abi Nasr (Guest) 13 December 2011, 18:36

Ibnaljabal, who told you they want to help the palestinians? March 8 only cares about money, weapons and the assad and iranian regimes and shiites.

Missing peace 13 December 2011, 21:04

all civilised country sweating boy help out of humanitarian concern people in distress...

except if you think lebanon is not a civilised country and you seem too for denying help to people in dire straits....

you are to pity.....