Report: Lebanese Ministers in Syria 'In Their Personal Capacity'
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Three Lebanese ministers leading an accompanying delegation traveled to Syria “in their personal capacity” to take part in the opening of Damascus International Fair, media reports said on Thursday.
Industry Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan, Agriculture Minister Ghazi Zoaiter and a a private sector delegation traveled for the opening of the fair the capital Damascus, An-Nahar daily reported.
Public Works and Transportation Minister Youssef Fenianos also said that he plans to head to Syria on Thursday for the same purpose.
“It is noteworthy that the three ministers insisted that their visits should be considered as official, while Prime Minister Hariri has reiterated before joining the legislative meeting on Wednesday that the ministers do not go to Syria in an official capacity," the daily said.
The daily described the move as an attempt to “normalize relations” with Syria.
Hassan and Zoaiter said they had received invitations to the Damascus International Fair, which opens on August 16.
Hassan, a minister of Hizbullah, which has intervened in Syria on behalf of President Bashar Assad's government.
Zoaiter belongs to Amal movement.
After the eruption of Syria's conflict in March 2011 with protests demanding Assad's ouster, Lebanon's government adopted a policy of "disassociation" -- preferring to maintain a neutral stance towards the complex war in a bid to avoid spillover.
Lebanon's political parties are bitterly divided between those opposing Syria's regime and factions like Hizbullah and Amal which support it.
The announced visit sparked controversy among political factions.
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea had warned Wednesday that some parties "are trying to use Lebanon and the Lebanese government to bestow legitimacy on Bashar al-Assad's regime.”

I am sure these 'patriotic' iranian ministers will address with their masters in syria the following pressing issues:
1) The missing Lebanese in Syrian regime jails
2) Demanding that Ali Mamlouk and the syrian intelligence officers indicted by the Lebanese judiciary in the twin bombings in Tripoli be handed over to the Lebanese authorities
3) The arrest and hand over of the criminal Rifaat Ali Eid

Lebanese Ministers in Syria 'In Their Personal Capacity'
great, next we will have Lebanese Ministers in Raqqa 'In Their Personal Capacity'.

Lebanon played Iran in the quarter finals of the FIBA basketball games yesterday and Lebanon lost. So, I take it you will never visit with the Lebanese side anymore. I bet you were rooting for Iran, anyway.

You don't go in your capacity as a minister and say it is 'personal capacity'. The title of minister was given to you by the Lebanese government and not by iran, syria or hezbollah. You can go to Syria as a member of the terrorist iranian militia of hezbollah but not as a minister in the Lebanese government.

I hope the Lebanese security agencies will search their cars when they re-enter Lebanon. They could be transporting explosives the Smaha way.

"Your a troll trying to divide a nation on the right track." coming from someone who also said " the Lebanese army aka Hezbollah".

Boyfriend The Mystic I think you are right! Industry Minister Hajj Hussein Hajj Hassan does look much more like Milhouse Van Houten from the Simpsons. His plastic surgery was a complete success. The only thing he needs to do is stain his hair blue before he goes to the upcoming Dahieh Comic-Con. You claim that he's going there with Hajj Mohammad Raad who will be dressed as Comic Book Guy. They'll win first prize this time I'm sure!