Conflicting Reports on Arrest of Man who Cursed Nasrallah
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Conflicting media reports emerged Thursday on whether or not the army's Intelligence Directorate had arrested a man who cursed Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on live TV.
Some media reports said army intelligence agents arrested the man, identified as Ali Abdul Rahim Shamas, on drug-related charges.
But several TV networks later said that the Intelligence Directorate has denied "media reports about the Intelligence Directorate's arrest of certain individuals following the removal of the violations in the Hay el-Sellom area."
The man in question had railed at Nasrallah on Wednesday when police raided and removed unlicensed street structures, including his, in Beirut's southern suburb of Hay el-Sellom.
The man had spilled his anger on TV when reporters interviewed him together with other angry residents.
The move has caused a rare public expression of anger in a stronghold of Hizbullah.
The raid was carried out by the Internal Security Forces, which used bulldozers to take down shacks where vendors mainly sold coffee and mobile phones.
Dozens of angry residents poured into the streets, burning tires and blocking some roads to prevent the police from approaching their properties.
The protest turned against Hizbullah, which had promoted the campaign against violators. In an usual move, some took their grievances to live TV, demanding compensation from Hizbullah and even cursing the group's leader Nasrallah.
Public displays of anger against Hizbullah in Lebanon are rare, especially in the group's strongholds.

may god bless hezbollah aka the lebanese army, the last sanctuary for lebanon.
lan tousle zainabu maratayyn
lan lan lan

Ali Abdul Rahim Shamas is a national hero and should be released by the Houthian intelligence service immediately.
Jannah, Firdous, Gigi and I are in martyrs square right now heading to Parliament to protest the arrest of this hero who described Mr. Nassrallah accurately and romantically.

He was paid by Oqab Saqr and the others to make these slurs, he did not even own a street shop.

this country is a joke..... nassrallah is not even a public figure or an elected official.

It used to be controlled by hezbollah. Now they are one and the same.

Everyone curses the fat militia leader almost every day, just not in public.

"media reports said army intelligence agents arrested the man, identified as Ali Abdul Rahim Shamas, on drug-related charges."
and since his outburst at nassrallah yesterday, army intelligence learned he was a drug dealer:)!

الوفاء للمقاومة: نقدّر صبر اهلنا في الضاحية وتحملهم تقصير الدولة

The assassins of March 14th politicians are allowed to roam freely while a man who curses nassrallah is arrested within 24 hours!

بالفيديو: علي شمص يعتذر من السيد حسن نصرالله
وصل إلى موقع “جنوبية” شرط فيديو للشاب علي عبدو شمص الذي شتم أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله يوم أمس.
ويظهر شمص في الفيديو معتذراً من السيد حسن نصرالله ومبرراً له ما حدث ومعلناً استعداده الذهاب والقتال في سوريا.
كما يؤكد شمص لأمين عام حزب الله أنّه ليس تاجر مخدرات ولا من قطاع الطرق.بالفيديو-علي-شمص-يعتذر-من-السيد-حسن-نصر/

Hezbollah is reported to mull over these three choises regarding the future of this brave man, Ali Abdul Rahim Shamas:
1.Try to make him look like a drug user and dealer in order to question his credibility.
2.Make him an offer he cannot refuse of serving with Hezbollah in Syria for a year or two to make up for his sins.
3.Transfer him to one of syrian president Assad death jails. The president without a people is owing Hezbollah big time, and will make sure that this brave man disappear from the earth like so many lebanese before him.