PSP Holds Protest in Beirut against Trump's Jerusalem Move


The Progressive Youth Organization, the youth wing of the Progressive Socialist Party, organized a sit-in Wednesday outside the U.N.'s headquarters in Beirut to denounce plans by US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Organizers said the demo was being held in rejection of “any decision that alters Jerusalem's status as the capital of the State of Palestine.”

“We came here to tell the entire world that Jerusalem is our capital, that Jerusalem is our pride and that Jerusalem is Arab,” a PSP youth official said at the demo.

“In the name of all Lebanon's youths, the Progressive Youth Organization categorically rejects any decision aimed at besieging Jerusalem, and it calls for an uprising at all levels in rejection of that,” the official added.

Comments 5
Thumb kanaanljdid 06 December 2017, 18:19

PSP did recognize Tel Aviv or any Israeli city to be its capital before ?

Missing phillipo 06 December 2017, 21:57

You tried that in the 1980's when you signed a preliminary agreement with Israel but when it got back to Beirut your then Syrian occupiers took it up.
Now your Hizballah occupiers wouldn't let this happen.

Missing phillipo 06 December 2017, 21:58

sorry, not "took" should be "tore"

Thumb Mrowwe 07 December 2017, 01:51

And by peace you mean give up Jerusalem and as much of Palestine as possible and hand it on a silver plate to the ashkenazis and other foreigner jews?

This is not about lebanese, palestinians, syrians, iranians, arabs, shia, houthis or whatever you are stuck on. It's an issue greater than that. But people like you live in heedlessness and can't see beside their noses. Typical secularist who don't care about Islam yet calls himself Muslim when it suits him to make a point. God is well aware of you.

Thumb Mrowwe 07 December 2017, 01:52

And by peace you mean give up Jerusalem and as much of Palestine as possible and hand it on a silver plate to the ashkenazis and other foreigner jews?

This is not about lebanese, palestinians, syrians, iranians, arabs, shia, houthis or whatever you are stuck on. It's an issue greater than that. But people like you live in heedlessness and can't see beside their noses. Typical secularist who don't care about Islam yet calls himself Muslim when it suits him to make a point. God is well aware of you.