Report: US Jerusalem Move Raises Naturalization Concern

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The repercussions of the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital does not only lead to wars and threatens regional and international peace, but also raises fears in Lebanon of the naturalization of Palestinian refugees in the tiny Mediterranean country, al-Joumhouria daily reported Saturday.

A recommendation issued by the Parliament during its Friday meeting indicates the danger inherent in the American decision on the Jerusalem and its Arab and Islamic, Christian identity that leads to wars and threatens regional and international peace, said the daily.

The resolution not only threatens Jerusalem, but also threatens Lebanon in a fundamental way and raises fears of permanent naturalization of Palestinian refugees on its land, which endangers the country's composition and unity, it added.

Lebanese authorities at state levels have repeatedly warned against the measure considering it an”existential threat.”

Sources close to the presidency told the daily, reminding of President Michel Aoun's firm position in that regard, saying “the president has stressed his firm determination to thwart any attempt aiming to impose naturalization of Palestinians in this country.”

The daily also quoted sources to Speaker Nabih Berri saying: “Trump's decision on Jerusalem is a preliminary attempt for naturalization of Palestinians,” stressing “we resisted the Israeli occupation, we will similarly resist settlement and prevent it with all our strength and means.”

In a controversial move, Trump took a decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city.

Trump's Jerusalem move prompted negative world reactions warning of potentials of war and violence.

Comments 4
Thumb janoubi 09 December 2017, 13:34

Where is Iran Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds force?

Thumb justin 09 December 2017, 13:41

Liberating Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq and firing missiles at Riyadh.

Thumb justin 09 December 2017, 13:47

The first sign of adherence to the newly refreshed Dissociation Policy: The head of the shia Popular Mobilization terror group in Iraq visits south Lebanon at the invitation of hezbollah and issues a warning statement from the Lebanese-Israeli border:

بالفيديو: القيادي بالحشد الشيعي العراقي يتوعد من جنوب لبنان بإقامة “دولة صاحب الزمان”

Thumb chrisrushlau 09 December 2017, 16:54

Lebanon's Christian "war-lords" pin all their hopes on KSA and kindred because they know NATO doesn't really care about Lebanon, Taef Accord, "equality" (Article 24), etc. But these kids also know that KSA only helps Lebanon maintain this "equality" of a 50-50 Parliament for the three quarters of Lebanese who are Muslim and the one quarter who are Christian because KSA's main "existential" danger is democracy.