Lebanese who Escaped from U.S. Prison in 1997 Arrested


A Lebanese inmate who disappeared 20 years ago from a U.S. federal prison in Pennsylvania is set to be returned to the state for arraignment on an escape charge.

Citing U.S. media reports, The Associated Press said 66-year-old Ghassan Saleh was arrested last month after flying into New York from Lebanon.

Deputy U.S. Marshal Chad Sensor says Saleh was aware that he was wanted when he decided to return to the country.

Saleh was working on a grounds crew when he escaped from the federal prison near Bradford in 1997. He had been serving a sentence of almost six years after being convicted of cocaine trafficking in Michigan.

Saleh is scheduled to be arraigned in federal court in the Pennsylvania city of Erie on Dec. 19. He is currently being held in New York.

Comments 2
Thumb shab 12 December 2017, 19:55


Thumb shab 13 December 2017, 19:37

Have a safe trip. At least in NY you want run into 313 dogs.