Hizbullah: U.S. Money Laundering Charges Aimed at Tarnishing Resistance’s Image

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah denied on Thursday U.S. allegations of involvement in a $300 million laundering scheme and drugs trafficking, saying they are aimed at targeting the resistance and tarnishing its image.

“Hizbullah categorically denies the false accusations of its involvement directly or indirectly in money laundering or drug trafficking or banking transactions as claimed by the New York Times,” the party said in a statement.

It slammed what it called attempts to cover up the operations of the spy networks backed by the U.S. to gather information on Hizbullah in favor of Israel.

The U.S. government said in a lawsuit filed in a Manhattan federal court last week that it seeks nearly a half-billion dollars in money-laundering penalties from some Lebanese financial entities, 30 U.S. car buyers and a U.S. shipping company.

Prosecutors said the $300 million was wired from Lebanon to the United States and used to buy used cars and ship them to West Africa. They said Hizbullah money-laundering channels were used to ship proceeds from the car sales and narcotics trafficking back to Lebanon.

The U.S. accusations came after an indictment in federal court in Virginia accused fugitive Ayman Joumaa of leading a drug conspiracy that provided income for Hizbullah.

The New York Times also provided further insight into the issue saying the Lebanese Canadian Bank was one of the major entities laundering money for an international cocaine ring with ties to Hizbullah.

“The accusations marketed by the American administration against Hizbullah of funding its activities through illegitimate means are nothing but a new attempt aimed at targeting the resistance in Lebanon and tarnishing its image,” the party said.

It added that the U.S. allegations came against the backdrop of the “failure” of the American “security” scheme to target Hizbullah through its spying networks in Lebanon.

Comments 23
Thumb shab 22 December 2011, 09:13

blah blah Zionist blah blah resistance blah blah

Thumb geha 22 December 2011, 09:14

every day the hole is getting bigger and hizbushaitan is sinking more. :)
it is only a matter of time, especially their master have real financial problems now.

Thumb anoniem 22 December 2011, 09:21

we were not expecting different response from the SAINTS...

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 22 December 2011, 10:52

Your image have already been tarnished by your own actions, you are really following the steps of the Palestinian resistance when it started to practice it's might on the peaceful Lebanese citizens in Lebanon in General and in the south in particular...It was only a matter of time before it went down...Since you were not able to learn from History...Your time is near and you are heading this way very fast

Default-user-icon The Watcher (Guest) 22 December 2011, 11:43

You must have a clean and respectable image before you jackasses can claim an image... The US or any other state do not need to tarnish anything which you have done an excellent job locally to tarnish any hope of becoming respectable... You are nothing but sewer rats...

Missing youssefhaddad 22 December 2011, 13:18

while most were sleeping, Hezbollah have succeeded in securing its malignant presence under the pretense of the "Resistance" that mesmerized those plagued with the "Israel complex".
Besides the voluminous Iranain stipends, Hezbollah devised a network of drug and illegal trafficking complete with money laundering in order to maintain a financial edge and be able to pay for its expansive military, its social taming expenses and its politician buying necessities.
International sanctions might slow Hezbollah's growth but only the Lebanese could stop it!

Default-user-icon Salah Ezzedine HA's Madoff (Guest) 22 December 2011, 14:41

Yeah that's right they are trying to tarnish something or another.. there's your 73% yield Mr Hajj Hassan we did very well this quarter, tell your friends.

Default-user-icon haydar (Guest) 22 December 2011, 14:43

mowaten thank you for clearing this up for us, you are right only Shiites support Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Abu pierre (Guest) 22 December 2011, 15:18

What image? the image of death and destruction What a FN JOKE!!!

Thumb thepatriot 22 December 2011, 15:59

Tarnish the image of the resistanec...what is there to tarnish???

- They deal drugs!
- They have 4 indicted in the Hariri case!
- They shoot their compatriots!
- They are classified as a terrorist organisation by several Nations
- They start wars unilaterally

What bad reputation???

Thumb thepatriot 22 December 2011, 16:03

Oops... I forgot to mention:

- They smuggle weapon
- They have a parallel economy
- They don't pay their bills!

Thumb thepatriot 22 December 2011, 16:03

- They build without permits
- They steal land

Default-user-icon Barhoom (Guest) 22 December 2011, 16:12

In the words of the great Bob Marley: You can fool some people sometimes but you can't fool all the people all the time! Khalas denial and khalas US zioinist plots and khalas conspiracy theory. Prove your innocence, establish irrefutable evidence to clear your name and your image. But the fact of the matter is the Irano/Hizballa lying machine is grinding to a halt, nobody believes you anymore except for the blind cattle being rounded up in Dahye squae and a few FPM followers. The rest of the civilized world sees very clearly what you are all about, terror, lies, murder elite criminal activies, Ya ashraf el nass get your heads out of your asses and wake up to the smell of the 21st century, the age of media!!! Eveybody knows you now! And nobody believes you anymore! Tfeh!

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 22 December 2011, 16:54

After the rape of Beirut, the bankrupting of the country from non-payment of electricity, backing ASSad against the people of Syria, and the starting of an unnecessary war. Now the are worrined about tarnishing their image. They deal drugs!!! Plain and simple. They should admit it, maybe they would be seen as truthful.

Default-user-icon LebanonFirst (Guest) 22 December 2011, 16:54

Mowaten- honestly, are you getting paid to do this? I truly hope so. I truly hope people start ignoring you and the rest of the M8 people on here. One of your saints can strap a video to his forehead, stand in a mirror and confess his pre-meditated crime. Go ahead and commit the crime while video tapping the whole event. Turn it in to the media and we would still find you here claiming some absurd conspiracy theory. You claim this website is not credible yet you are here every day. You are constantly defending and trying to justify M8’s actions and oh let’s not forget, they are the poor victims of society and are always picked on by the west. Seriously, give me a break. Your excuses wouldn’t fool a 4 year old. Deep down, I don’t even think it fools many of the M8 followers. They just don’t want to admit it.

Default-user-icon Justice101 (Guest) 22 December 2011, 17:44

have fun reading the filed complaint at the justice department


Default-user-icon LebanonFirst (Guest) 22 December 2011, 17:49

Mowaten- Thank you for the comment on my imagination. I have you to thank for that. I can only reach such things by reading your comments. I commend you on your convictions though. How about we use that towards a Lebanon that controlls its own destiny. A Lebanon where the state enforces the law over its entire land and all its citizens. where the state makes decisions on whethere to go to war or make peace with thy enemy. A lebanon where no one is above the law and the state does not need to ask permission to arrest a suspect in murdering 23 people with a Bom. I am not stating that all M14 are saints. I am merely stating that for a country to exist, all arms must be under the control of the state. Decisions need to be made by the state and the state must answer to its people on every decision it makes. Sorry but the magic formula of army, people, resistance is the worst idea of all time. It was a mistake that needs to be corrected.

Missing mark 22 December 2011, 17:53

The reason this stupid jomaa was discovered was because he resisted to pay his electricity bill.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 22 December 2011, 18:08

image or no image, tarnish or varnish.. all coming to an end.. "they" have to chose being arab shia or farsis..u cant have it both ways, the gangrena is moving to irak now...yalla move.

Missing peace 22 December 2011, 19:10

funny how those who support the islamic terrorist party believe the new york times when it suits them and call it lies when it doesn t!!!

double M8 standards as usual....

Missing peace 22 December 2011, 19:20

if hezb doesn t deal drugs why are entire fields in the bekaa protected by armed militiamen from the hezb? they protect potatoes?
if hezb doesn t steal land why have they built on ouzai a state property as a simple example and when hariri wanted to claim the land he got opposed by them...
if hezb doesn t steal land why do they forbid landowners in the chouf to enter their land?
if hezb doesn t shoot lebanese why did they oppose the state by taking arms when they wanted to pass a law? is a law against hezb a casus belli? then it proves clearly that the hezb feels above the laws and thus is an outlaw party!

we can find many other example to prove that hezb is only a party built on lies and against lebanese...

Thumb thepatriot 23 December 2011, 11:08

I am sorry but you are ridiculous...remove your head from the sand already!

Default-user-icon Chessnut (Guest) 23 December 2011, 11:50

I am not sure why people here even bother to engage with this paid cyber thug. He is a ruffian mouthpiece of the hooligan party. If you tell him white, he will say black. Just ignore him, he is insignificant. He does not add value and is rather insignificant.