Cabinet Backs Army’s Role in Confronting Infiltration of ‘Terrorists’ in Arsal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The cabinet on Wednesday backed the army’s role in confronting infiltration attempts into Lebanese territories, the same day mayors and the municipal council of the eastern town of Arsal denied that al-Qaida members were entering the country through their village.

Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn said on Tuesday that al-Qaida militants have infiltrated Lebanon through Arsal “under the guise of being members of the Syrian opposition.”

During a cabinet session held at Baabda palace on Wednesday, Ghosn warned that the fighters could be planning terrorist activities in Lebanon.

After hearing his briefing, cabinet members stressed “the national role that the army is playing despite the malicious fabrications made against it.”

The government also backed the army’s role in “confronting different types of infiltration attempts, particularly made by any terrorist group.”

It gave the army its “support in implementing any decision that guarantees the safety, unity and stability of all Lebanese territories.”

The mayors and the municipal council of Arsal slammed Ghosn’s statement on Wednesday, saying his information “should motivate (the authorities) to deploy the Lebanese army along the border with Syria to halt the continuous Syrian violations of Lebanese sovereignty.”

The border town of Arsal has seen several infiltrations by Syrian troops tracking army deserters and dissidents.

Al-Liwaa daily quoted diplomatic sources as saying on Thursday that Ghosn’s accusations were a cover-up to any military operation that the Syrian army could carry out in the area of Arsal.

“It is the responsibility of the government to protect the town against any attack carried out by the Syrian security forces under the slogan of confronting al-Qaida members,” they said.

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