Syria War Has Killed More Than 350,000 in 7 Years

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Seven years of conflict in Syria have left more than 350,000 people dead, according to an updated overall death toll released Monday by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Britain-based monitoring group, which relies on an extensive network of sources on the ground across Syria, said 353,935 people have been killed since March 15, 2011.

The conflict, which will enter its eighth year on Thursday, is taking a devastating toll on civilians, including in the ongoing regime assault on the rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus.

According to the head of Observatory, 106,390 civilians have been killed in seven years.

Here is a breakdown of the deaths, according to the Observatory:

- 106,390 civilians, including 19,811 children and 12,513 women

- 63,820 regime soldiers

- 58,130 regime-allied and militia fighters (including 1,630 from Lebanon's Hezbollah and 7,686 from other foreign Shiite groups)

- 63,360 hardline Islamists and jihadists (including from the Islamic State group and a former Al-Qaeda affiliate)

- 62,039 fighters from other forces, including non-jihadist rebels, Kurdish forces and defected government soldiers

- 196 identity unknown but death documented

Comments 5
Missing arturo 12 March 2018, 16:20

Does the UN Human Rights Council agree with these statistics? They haven't regarded the Syrian conflict as a serious humanitarian crisis.

Thumb chrisrushlau 12 March 2018, 17:50

The "international community" is firmly racist. When it praises Lebanon's "stability", it praises anti-Shia racism. When it talks about Sunni "partners in the Gulf Cooperation Council (as was), it praises anti-Shia racism. When it defends Israel, it praises anti-Arab racism. But do you think the populations of these racist proponents are racist, or is it their "deep states" like the Democratic Party leadership in the US that are responsible? "We came, we saw, he died, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

Thumb Maxx 12 March 2018, 23:43

"'Deep states' like the Democratic Party leadership in the US".
Ok Chris, that phrase alone speaks to me volumes about your intelligence quotient. Because if you believe in that conspiracy bull, you have to tell us honestly - are you bright?

Thumb Maxx 12 March 2018, 23:47

And second, you're the one who's a religious racist if you think that anyone who's against Hizb and their mercenaries are "anti-Shiite". Have you been to Lebanon recently? You should. Because you'll notice that a good proportion of Shiite Muslims in Lebanon loathe Hizb for the vile scumbags that they are. I should know: my family are Shiite Muslims who loathe Hizb for the vile scumbags that they are. So don't you bloody use the Shia as a Human shield to defend your indefensible politics and heinous acts of mass murder! Hizb are already doing that themselves, and the Shiite population is only suffering from it (Hizb learned it from the Israeli government who cry "anti-semitism" and use all the Jewish population of the Earth as a Human shield when someone criticizes their policies).
You care so much about the Shiites and want to help them? Great. Then quit supporting Hizb.
Veni, vidi - caderet mortuus.

Thumb chrisrushlau 12 March 2018, 17:47

You mean "walk the streets of London".