Early Results Emerge in Lebanon's Parliamentary Vote


Preliminary results started emerging around midnight Monday after Lebanon voted in its first parliamentary elections in nine years.

Media reports said the Hizbullah-AMAL Movement coalition won all seats in south Lebanon's second and thirds electoral districts.

The coalition's campaign meanwhile said its list won four seats in Beirut's second district -- one for Hizbullah, one for AMAL, one for al-Ahbash and one for the Free Patriotic Movement.

According to media reports, the list of Prime Minister Saad Hariri's al-Mustaqbal Movement won six seats in the district as the businessman Fouad Makhzoumi won a Sunni seat.

In Beirut's first district -- Ashrafieh, Saifi, Rmeil and Medawar -- the list backed by the Lebanese Forces and the Kataeb Party won three seats as three seats went to the list backed by the Free Patriotic Movement and the Tashnag Party and two went to the Kollouna Watani civil society coalition -- Joumana Haddad and Paula Yagoubian.

Also according to media reports, MP Bahia Hariri retained her seat in Sidon as Popular Nasserite Organization chief Osama Saad won the city's second Sunni seat and his ally Ibrahim Azar won a Maronite seat in Jezzine.

The FPM meanwhile won two seats in Jezzine, including that of incumbent MP Ziad Aswad.

Elsewhere, FPM chief Jebran Bassil announced that he won a Maronite seat he ran for in Batroun and that the FPM has won a seat in Akkar.

The Marada Movement meanwhile announced that it won four seats in the Batroun-Koura-Bsharri-Zgharta district as three went to the coalition of the Free Patriotic Movement, al-Mustaqbal Movement and Michel Mouawad and three other seats were clinched by the Lebanese Forces-Kataeb Party alliance.

In Tripoli-Minieh-Dinniyeh, the lists of ex-PM Najib Miqati, al-Mustaqbal Movement and ex-minister Faisal Karami were leading the vote count.

In Baabda, the Hizbullah-FPM coalition won four seats as the LF and the Progressive Socialist Party managed to win two seats.

In northern Metn, the leading candidates at 12:30 am were Sami Gemayel, Ibrahim Kanaan, Eddie Abi al-Lamaa, Michel Murr, Hagop Pakradounian and Elias Bou Saab.

Comments 1
Missing un520 07 May 2018, 02:18

Why are you so scared of christians?