Israel Strikes 'Hizbullah' Arms Depot near Damascus Airport

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian state media said early Tuesday that two Israeli missiles struck near Damascus International Airport, without adding any details.

In a report in the early hours of Tuesday, Syria's state news agency said "two Israeli missiles came down near Damascus international airport".

The head of monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, also told AFP that "the Israeli missiles hit arms depots for Hizbullah near the airport".

He said the air strike took place at 1:00 am local time "without causing huge explosions" even though they hit the weapons stores.

The observatory added that the Syrian air defence "failed to intercept the missiles".

Israel has warned of a growing Iranian military presence in neighbouring Syria, which it sees as a threat to its safety.

Its military has been carrying out strikes on Iranian and Iran-affiliated targets in Syria, with a US official saying it was Israeli forces that carried out a deadly strike against an Iraqi paramilitary base in eastern Syria on June 17.

Israeli seized a large swathe of the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it, in a move never recognised by the international community.

Comments 9
Thumb EagleDawn 26 June 2018, 10:22

"Mystic 16 hours ago
This is the era of the Resistance."

"Mystic: 18 hours
The difference between Hezbollah and Israel zionists, is that hezb dies with happiness"

"gigahabib 3 hours ago
There you have it, folks. The Resistance is the only option."

Thumb Mystic 26 June 2018, 18:53

Israeli cowards

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 26 June 2018, 19:29

were those two dead iranian shia terrorists in your avatar brave?

Thumb janoubi 26 June 2018, 11:54

Expecting a response by hezbollah in the 'heart of occupied Palestine' anytime now!

14 May 2018, 17:56
Nassrallah revealed that Israel was warned via a foreign state that “the next response would be in the heart of occupied Palestine".

Thumb Southern......... 26 June 2018, 13:34

wrong again! Hezbollah has no depots at Syrian territories, but the question is that Usa is unpleased with swift advance of the Syrian army toward the south... they don't want to end the Syrian conflict, but the Syrian govt with its allies have decided aleady that there is no turning back.

Missing un520 26 June 2018, 14:41

Clearly there is a deal where Israel allows Assads forces towards Golan in return for guarantees from Assad not to allow Iranian (including Hezbollah) presence there. That means Assad-dynasty will continue to do what they have been doing for decades before the civil war: Making sure that the border area is calm.

Thumb illiterate-Southern 26 June 2018, 16:16

Than you Southern for being 'Patriotic' and true to yourself. I know you 'choosed' loyalty longtime ago over short lived financial gains.

I love how you choosed to use fruit like bananas to depict s.o.s mental situation and his simplistic level of analyzing complex socio-political matters.

Once again, I am thankful to you for helping me grow to be the man I have become. I owe my development to you and your endless comments. If given the choice between you and some posters, I choosed you years ago.

Keep posting Southern, the world is listening.

Thumb roflmfao 26 June 2018, 18:03

Of course Hezbollah has no depots at Syrian territories, and it's madness for anyone to claim otherwise. Take for example the reported Israeli raid on a Hezbollah depot near Damascus on May 24 2018. Nasrallah had a speech the very next day in which he confirmed that the Israeli raid took place without confirming that the targets were Hezbollah munitions depots. He did not deny the reports either. I donno about you, but if there was a false report about something that happened to me and the next day I spoke to you about that report, the first thing out of my mouth would be that report is a lie, but that's probably just me.

Thumb liberty 27 June 2018, 06:03

"Hezbollah has no depots at Syrian territories"

and southern the heretic would know, wouldn't he?!