2 Syrians who 'Monitored Hizbullah' Sentenced to Jail


Two Syrians were handed jail sentences on Thursday on charges of involvement in acts of terror, the National News Agency reported.

“The Military Court sentenced the Syrian Abdul Azim al-Mghayzel to three years' hard labor and the Syrian Kamal Ghannoum to a year in prison,” NNA said.

“It convicted the former of carrying out acts of terror, monitoring the movements of Hizbullah convoys and senior officials and providing terrorist groups with this information,” the agency added.

“The later was convicted of involvement in the aforementioned offense and belonging to the al-Nusra Front group,” it said.

Comments 8
Thumb ansarullah 27 June 2019, 19:40

God bless the iranian inspired Military court for putting these terrorists behind bars.

Thumb marcus 27 June 2019, 19:42

They should be awarded the highest honors instead.

Thumb lebanon_first 27 June 2019, 20:40

Terrorism against teŕrorism is antiterrorism

Thumb warrior 28 June 2019, 06:40

So the iranian shia terror group is now an official government agency and spying on it is punishable by shia law.

Pity the Nation!

Thumb Mystic 28 June 2019, 10:30

Only a jew would say something like that.

Thumb Mystic 28 June 2019, 20:48

Hitler was right.

Thumb justice 28 June 2019, 11:52

Only a shia iranian would object to that.

Thumb thepatriot 03 July 2019, 15:48
