Hariri Refutes Claims on Gulf Funding of Protests

Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Monday refuted claims published in Hizbullah’s al-Akhbar daily that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are allegedly funding media coverage of the protests in Lebanon.
Hariri’s press office said: “The Premier rejects al-Akhbar’s allegations that Chairman and CEO of LBCI Pierre Daher admitted in Hariri’s presence that he and Tahsin Khayyat (Owner of NTV and Michel al-Murr (CEO of MTV) received funding from SA and UAE to cover the popular protests.”
The statement said all similar allegations are “baseless and unfounded.”

al-Akhbar is as credible as when @mowateh says he is secular atheist with only one account.

Well, I didn't believe it, but if SOS, Eagledawn and Whyaskwhy believe it, it must be true.

No resilient. The people will not accept Ministers belongig to a party. This is out of a question. Neutral is what we want. Technocrats who will work... for the people! Have faith..

So let us assume that he step down.
Who would come after him.
Remember the sayings "Better the devil you know than the one you don't know" or
"Apres moi la deluge"