Gemayel Says Only Neutral Govt. Can Restore Confidence


Kataeb Party chief MP Sami Gemayel on Monday called for the formation of a “neutral government of experts.”

“Only an instant resignation of the government and the formation of a neutral government of experts can restore the confidence of people and the international community in the state,” Gemayel tweeted, saying the move would “rescue the economic and monetary situations.”

Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh has warned that a “solution” is needed within days in order to restore confidence and avoid a future collapse.

Comments 3
Thumb thepatriot 28 October 2019, 20:58

This is right Sami. There is no Plan B.
This government will resign. Aoun will resign. And Berri will resign. We will get them. One after the other...

Thumb devnull_666 28 October 2019, 20:59

And you won't be any part of it, hopefully, so take a hike.

Missing cedars 29 October 2019, 12:47

Yes Sami's last name is Gemayel but him and Bachir son are clean and with the people from years ago against the thieves.

It would be hard to find another Bachir these days.