Hizbullah Calls Car Crash near Jiye Roadblock a 'Terrorist Crime'

Hizbullah on Monday described as a “terrorist crime” the car crash that resulted in the death of two citizens near a protest roadblock on Jiye’s highway.
“The horrible crime resulted from militia-like attacks by groups of bandits who are practicing the ugliest forms of humiliation and terrorism against innocent civilians commuting on roads,” Hizbullah’s media department said in a statement.
“This vicious attack that targeted the two dear martyrs is an attack on all Lebanese and a threat to civil peace and social stability, that’s why we call on everyone to fully shoulder their responsibilities in order to unveil the circumstances of this terrorist crime and punish the attackers,” the party added.
The two victims have been identified as Hussein Shalhoub and his relative Sanaa al-Jundi. Shalhoub’s daughter who was with them in the car escaped unharmed.
CCTV footage shows the speeding car hitting a metallic barrier before driving into a pole placed on the ground and catching fire. Protesters in the area said the metallic barrier was erected by the army and that they were hundreds of meters away. Some social media users have accused protesters of hurling rocks at the car, accusations denied by the protesters.
Pro-Hizbullah media outlets have in recent weeks accused political rivals, especially al-Mustaqbal Movement, of playing a role in the blocking of some roads in the country, particularly the Jiye highway which links Beirut to the South.

"CCTV footage shows the speeding car hitting a metallic barrier before driving into a pole placed on the ground and catching fire".
Watch the car speeding below:

The loss of any life is sad, especially innocent ones. Demonstrators should be careful to insure everyone safety and not provide any excuse to be blamed. Hizbollah crocodile tears do not fool anyone. Did they shed tears of the over a hundred of Iranian demonstrators peacefully protesting Iran's failed policies that were killed by Basij in one week? Clearly Hizb and the Iraqi militia have received order to brutally suppress demonstrations. Iran and Hizbollah realize the game have changed and the table is turning over them. They should have better invested in people welfare than in rockets and belligerence!

You seem so fixated on brandishing our revolution as American and foreign so much that you're unable to the forest from the trees.
Which part of we are fed up with your philosophy and lifestyle glorifying "martyrdom" you don't get? Unless of course you're not Lebanese and are being paid to spew such disinformation garbage...

Very, very hazardous to drive like that with a child in the car also, unless you are on a suicide mission.

The audacity of the devil party to call this when they r the one terrorizing everyone

"Terrorist Crime"??? One wonders what Hezb is trying to do with this kind of communication! "militia-like attacks by groups of bandits"... they are crazy...

I am embarrassed for the Iranian terrorist militia. They released their statement on Al-Manure TV to try and capitalize on a tragic accident before CCTV footage emerged showing what really happened and now they have egg on their face. The only thing going for them is that most of their sheeple have one source for news.

بالفيديو: عنصر في حزب الله يتوعد الثوار بإصبع نصرالله

Those thugs came down in the street now because we killed "their martyrs"... cattle!
They're just cattle!

It was a road accident--people lost their lives, tragic, but they were also speeding, so there's that. I guess kizb doesn't bring up their terrorist bombing around lebanon and the world---because the 'resistance'.