New Lebanese Government Formed after 3 Months of Political Vacuum

Lebanon got a 20-minister government led by former minister Hassan Diab on Tuesday, after 33 days of arduous negotiations.
The Cabinet’s line-up was announced following a meeting between Diab, President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri at the Baabda Palace.
The Cabinet's secretary-general said the new government will hold its first session at 11:00 am Wednesday.
Earlier in the day, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party officially announced that it would not take part in the government.
The Marada Movement was meanwhile allotted two portfolios – public works and labor.
Below is the government’s line-up as announced by the secretary-general of the Council of Ministers:
Prime Minister: Hassan Diab (Sunni)
Deputy PM and Defense: Zeina Akar (Greek Orthodox, named by President/FPM)
Finance: Ghazi Wazni (Shiite, named by AMAL Movement)
Interior: Mohammed Fahmi (Sunni, named by Diab)
Foreign Affairs: Nassif Hitti (Maronite, named by President/FPM)
Telecom: Talal Hawat (Sunni, close to MP Faisal Karami)
Health: Hamad Hasan (Shiite, named by Hizbullah)
Energy: Raimond Ghajar (Greek Orthodox, named by President/FPM)
Public Works: Michel Najjar (Greek Orthodox, named by Marada Movement)
Information: Manal Abdul Samad (Druze)
Minister of the Displaced: Ghada Shreim
Justice: Marie-Claude Najem (Maronite, named by President/FPM)
Tourism and Social Affairs: Ramzi Msharrafiyeh (Druze)
Education: Tarek al-Majzoub (Sunni, named by Diab)
Industry: Imad Hoballah (Shiite, named by Hizbullah)
Labor: Lamia Yammine (Maronite, named by Marada)
Environment and Administrative Development: Demianos Qattar (Maronite, named by Diab)
Economy: Raoul Nehme (Named by President/FPM)
Youth and Sport: Vartene Ohanian (Armenian)
Agriculture and Culture: Abbas Murtada (Shiite, named by AMAL)

What an insult to the people that were injured and died for a change of government. We have gone from bad to worse...

why doesn't naharnet write which party sponsors every "minister"? it is definately not an independent gvt ready to tackle corruption and indict all the corrupt politicians, they are paid by them!

What the hell is this????
I don't care how they pray! Could you please update with what degrees they hold? Thank you!

You mean secular state? Yes I support it and more, besides, why are you so sad about islamization instead of christianism? both are the same

I hope the LF now realize the depth of its mistake. As predicted, the dark age for Lebanon just started. No new election. No independent ministers, just cronies of the worst politicians with a useful idiot as a figure head. All selling Lebanon for 30 pieces of silver. The Thawra has been discredited (Assad tactic) due to its acts of violence thereby losing the support of the silent majority and making it responsible for economic woes. Now the Iranian tactic is to brutally suppress the Thawra in the name of restoring order and protecting economy. Hizbollah with its puppets managed to occupy the entire country and controls the army and institutions. No solution except Cedar Revolution II to liberate Lebanon from Hizb arms and bring to justice all traitors.

A government of independents whose every member is named by a political party, wow!!!

من المعلومات المتداولة عن وزيرة الدفاع اللبنانية الجديدة، أنها من الوزراء المحسوبين على رئيس الجمهورية اللبناني ميشال عون وصهره جبران باسيل. والوزيرة الجديدة زوجة لجواد عدرا، وهو رجل أعمال لبناني معروف، ومدير عام شركة” الدولية للمعلومات” وهي واحدة من أبرز الشركات المتخصصة باستطلاعات الرأي في لبنان.
lol lol lolأول-وزيرة-دفاع-عربية-من-هي-زينة-عكر-عدر/

تولى الوزير عباس مرتضى حقيبتي الزراعة والثقافة في حكومة “انقاذ لبنان” برئاسة حسان دياب.
وخلال البحث عن السيرة الذاتية للوزير مرتضى تبين أنه مسؤول سابق للشؤون البلدية والاختيارية في إقليم البقاع في حركة أمل، وهذا ما طرح علامات استفهام حول التكنوقراط البعيد عن الأحزاب، بحسب ما ذكر دياب عقب اعلان الحكومة.