Nasrallah Hails Govt. 'Courage', Urges Opposition, Majority to Form Panel

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday lauded Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the ministers of his government for accepting their posts amid the dire economic and financial situations in the country.
“We must laud the government’s PM and ministers for their courage to shoulder responsibility, because we will face difficult and sensitive circumstances,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech commemorating Hizbullah’s slain leaders as well as Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
“The situation is very difficult and I call for separating the financial and economic file from the political conflict in the country and leaving aside the settling of scores,” he urged.
Warning that those who “call for despair are committing national treason,” Nasrallah urged “awareness, bravery, sacrifice and the shunning of wrong calculations.”
He suggested forming “a panel bringing together the opposition and the majority because the economic and financial situation is in a dangerous state.”
“The priority is for seeking salvation because the situation is threatening everyone,” he said.
• “Help the government, because should it manage to stop the collapse, it would be offering a great service to all Lebanese and those who live in Lebanon,” Nasrallah urged, addressing rivals.
“Stop the incitement against the government and this is part of giving it a chance,” he said.
Reiterating that “this is not Hizbullah's government, although Hizbullah backs it and wants it to succeed,” Nasrallah warned that calling the government "Hizbullah's government" is harmful to “Lebanon's Arab and international ties.”
16 February 2020, 16:32
Nasrallah: Help the government, because should it manage to stop the collapse, it would be offering a great service to all Lebanese and those who live in Lebanon.
16 February 2020, 16:31
Nasrallah: Stop the incitement against the government and this is part of giving it a chance.
16 February 2020, 16:30
Nasrallah: This is not Hizbullah's government although Hizbullah backs it and wants it to succeed.
16 February 2020, 16:29
Nasrallah: Calling the government "Hizbullah's government" harms Lebanon's Arab and international ties.
16 February 2020, 16:28
Nasrallah: The situation is very difficult and I call for separating the financial and economic file from the political conflict in the country and leaving aside the settling of scores.
16 February 2020, 16:27
Nasrallah: We must laud the government’s PM and ministers for their courage to shoulder responsibility, because we will face difficult and sensitive circumstances.
16 February 2020, 16:23
Nasrallah: We have not dodged out responsibility and we in Hizbullah do not think in a partisan way... We have paid the price of the stances we have taken since Oct. 17 and some cursed us, but what’s important is to shoulder our responsibility and perform our duty.
16 February 2020, 16:19
Nasrallah: The U.S. forces must be expelled from Iraq.
16 February 2020, 16:19
Nasrallah: It is required to preserve the Popular Mobilization Forces, because America wants to eliminate the PMF seeing as it is among Iraq’s strength guarantees.
16 February 2020, 16:17
Nasrallah: I tell the dear, loyal and aggrieved Iraqi people that the first responsibility for responding to the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qasem Soleimani falls on their shoulders.
16 February 2020, 16:15
Nasrallah: The economic situation needs solutions and we are all responsible.
16 February 2020, 16:11
Nasrallah: Boycotting U.S. goods is painful for the Americans, so why don't we resort to this choice?
16 February 2020, 15:43
Nasrallah on U.S.: We are still responding slowly and belatedly.
16 February 2020, 15:42
Nasrallah: We are not taking anyone into a confrontation with America; America has imposed a confrontation on the ummah.
16 February 2020, 15:41
Nasrallah: Our peoples in the region must go to the main confrontation, which is inevitable, seeing as the other party is on the offensive.
16 February 2020, 15:36
Nasrallah on Lebanese rejection of naturalization: Who guarantees that these stances will remain the same in the future, especially if the Gulf stance changes.
16 February 2020, 15:33
Nasrallah: The Lebanese are aware of this plan's threats to their country.
16 February 2020, 15:32
Nasrallah: The Lebanese unanimity on rejecting the deal of the century must be lauded.
16 February 2020, 15:29
Nasrallah: The deal of the century is a crime committed at the White House.
16 February 2020, 15:27
Nasrallah: The deal of the century is Trump's plan to put an end to the Palestinian cause.
16 February 2020, 15:23
Nasrallah: Soleimani's martyrdom has pushed the region into a new phase.
16 February 2020, 15:22
Nasrallah: With the martyrdom of each of them, we would move from one phase into another.
16 February 2020, 15:18
Nasrallah: The resistance is not speeches nor words disconnected from reality. These leaders embodied it on the ground.
16 February 2020, 15:13
Nasrallah: The martyrs Soleimani, al-Muhandis, Abbas al-Moussawi, Ragheb Harb and Imad Mughniyeh shared common features. They had faith, loyalty and honesty and they were loved by the people.
16 February 2020, 15:09
Nasrallah: The enemy was betting on the collapse of the regime in Iran.

The day this evil iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally and violently murdered is the day we celebrate our true independence.

بالفيديو: سليماني على الحدود وإصبعه نحو الجليل.. إنقسام وجدل لبناني!
انتشر على مواقع التواصل فيديو يوثق لحظة إزاحة الستار من قبل حزب الله عن نصب سليماني الذي قتل مطلع كانون الثاني الماضي في حرم مطار بغداد، ليظهر الأخير منتصباً ووراءه علم فلسطين، مشيراً بإصبعه إلى الأراضي المحتلة. وفي حين شارك الفيديو عدد من مؤيدي حزب الله فضلاً عن حسابات إيرانية، انتقدت شريحة واسعة من اللبنانيين الأمر، متسائلة كيف سيكون موقف الحزب إن نصبت بلدة أخرى مثلاً نصباً لقائد عسكري أميركي أو عربي أو غيره. كما تساءل البعض الآخر هل تنشر طهران نصباً لقائد عسكري لبناني؟.بالفيديو-سليماني-على-الحدود-وإصبعه-نح/

نصرالله: نبارك للبحرين الذكرى التاسعة لانتفاضتها الشعبية
dissociation policy???

Nasrallah on Lebanese rejection of naturalization: Who guarantees that these stances will remain the same in the future, especially if the Gulf stance changes.
The constitution ya iraní guarantees it!

"Calling the government "Hizbullah's government" harms Lebanon's Arab and international ties."
Um--it is kizb's government. If it harms Lebanon, then it is on Kizb, since it is kizb that harms ties with all countries not name Syria and Iran.

Nasrallah: Boycotting U.S. goods is painful for the Americans, so why don't we resort to this choice?
Start the boycott with paying yourself and your terrorist followers in iranian riyals instead of American dollars mr. hypocrite!

they are selective in their 'boycotts'. They will continue to use US Dollars and buy American 4x4's, but won't buy American coffee and chocolates.
That will show them....

Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the now established Islamic Republic of Lebanon, I made this.

He doesn't want people to refer to a Hezbollah government as what it is because those the government is seeking funds from will tell the government to get the funds from Iran. Who is he kidding!!

Nasrallah warned that calling the government "Hizbullah's government" is harmful to “Lebanon's Arab and international ties.”
so you are saying that anything that has to do with hezbollah is harmful to labanon's international image?...
aren't you here to defend lebanon? so why would it be harmful as you claim to want what's good for lebanon? aren't you proud that the gvt is a hezbollah gvt?
strange logic!

sorry but it IS a hezbollah gvt.. .why are they ashamed to call it that? aren't they the ones who claim to defend lebanon? having a gvt of their own isn't it the way to prove how valuable this party is to lebanon's welfare and economy?
thus hezbollah knows it is hampering the economical development of the country but still wants help from those he pretends to loathe! such a hypocrisy!

sorry but it IS a hezbollah gvt.. .why are they ashamed to call it that? aren't they the ones who claim to defend lebanon? having a gvt of their own isn't it the way to prove how valuable this party is to lebanon's welfare and economy?
thus hezbollah knows it is hampering the economical development of the country but still wants help from those he pretends to loathe! such a hypocrisy!

Nasrallah: The U.S. forces must be expelled from Iraq.
But the iranian forces must stay? STOP interfering in other countries' affairs!

Isn't ironic when a Shia follower of the Iranian Hezbollah starts educating others on sovereignty? Apply sovereignty in Lebanon first where it's the only country in the world that has a parallel army and a parallel state.

here's what Iraq's Foreign Minister had to say to Iran regarding Iraq's Sovereignty!
عدما إتخذّت إيران من العراق ساحة حرب لتصفية حساباتها الإقليمية، والإنتقام لقائد فيلق القدس قاسم سليماني الذي قتل بغارة أميركية قرب مطار بغداد، دعا وزير الخارجية العراقي محمد علي الحكيم، اليوم الأحد، نظيره الإيراني محمد جواد ظريف، إلى احترام سيادة العراق ودعم جهود الاستقرار في المنطقة وذلك خلال لقاء جمع الوزيرين على هامش مؤتمر ميونخ للأمن في ألمانياالعراق-يُجدد-دعوته-لإيران-إحترام-سياد/

Attempt camouflage... kill a country and walk in its funeral. You and FPL may fool some people but not history books. Lebanon's economic march to the abyss started soon after Hizbollah-FPL understanding in 2006 quickly followed by Hizb war and Hizb takeover of Lebanon politics causing GNP growth to plummet from 6% to negative. The cost to the economy is in the hundred of billions that dwarf any cost due to corrupted politicians. By simply adding the 40 billion electricity deficit and the 60 billion exorbitant interests due to political instability... that alone explains 100% of our deficit. Sooner or later those who brought Lebanon plunge to the abyss will be brought to justice. We'll make sure of it.

The day this evil Iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally and violently murdered is the day we celebrate our true independence (Bis).

Hasan: “We must laud the government’s PM and ministers for their courage to shoulder responsibility, because we - only want the power and authority without any of the responsibility."
Warning that those who “call for despair are committing national treason, as well as copyright infringement - we are the OG of sowing despair among the Lebanese!"
Nasrallah warned that calling the government "Hizbullah's government" is harmful to “Lebanon's Arab and international ties.” Because no self-respecting Arab could tolerate the scum that Hizb are.

Sheikh Hassan deserves the benefit of the doubt. This government needs international recognition and credibility, if the country is going to solve its dire economic woes. We must accept the reality fact of a healthy executive and an equally constructive opposition, as in most democracies.