Negotiations Reportedly Ongoing on Govt. Resignation, Hariri's Return

Intensive contacts are underway with the aim of pushing some ministers to tender their resignations ahead of the resignation of the entire government, media reports said.
“Negotiations have been ongoing for the past 24 hours with ex-PM Saad Hariri over the possibility of his return as premier,” the Akhbar al-Yawm news agency quoted highly-informed sources as saying.
The sources said Deputy Speaker Elie Ferzli’s visit to the Center House on Thursday and the stances he voiced in support of Hariri might be part of the reported efforts.
“PM Hassan Diab is waiting for the development of these contacts and he does not want to leave the Grand Serail unless they convince him that the alternative government is ready,” the sources added.

Are you kidding me? Hariri returns to do what exactly finish off the looting?

They want to use Hariri as a tool to get financial support from SA. As much as I feel for my country, I hope the leadership Riyadh does not hand out financial life-jackets to any Hezbollah-dominated government.

I am pretty sure that the biggest condition with be no Basil and he gets to pick the cabinet. Pretty sure that was the opposite of Diab who had a cabinet picked for him by kizb, amal and basil.

HARIRI is Lebanon's best available chance to save the country from total bankruptcy. Arab Gulf states represent 70% of investments in Lebanon and Hariri is Saudi Arabia's favourite Sunny leader by far. This time Hariri will not let neither Bassil, nor Hezbollah call the shots.

Hariri said if the people vote him out, he will leave politics. I know, it was my tweets which hit front page headlines with him telling me it.
Where are we now..