Bassil from Diman: Neutrality Needs National Dialogue, Foreign Umbrella


Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Sunday supported Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s call for Lebanon’s neutrality but said it has prerequisites such as the neutrality of the “neighboring countries.”


"The FPM supports the neutralization of Lebanon and we have also implemented this issue at the Foreign Ministry. Neutralization is a self decision while neutrality is a decision required from us and from others too," said Bassil after meeting al-Rahi in Diman.

"Neutrality is a strategic alignment and we must seek to secure the circumstances for its success, which are based on domestic consensus, and this requires national dialogue to reach a national conviction or else we would be causing domestic problems," Bassil warned.

He accordingly called for "securing a foreign umbrella for implementing this issue," stressing that "the neighboring countries must acknowledge and accept this principle."

Bassil added: "We support the neutrality that preserves Lebanon's unity and all elements of strength, protects it from Israel's ambitions and attacks as well as from terrorism, and which relieves Lebanon of the burden of refugees."

Comments 7
Missing thatisit 19 July 2020, 15:50

this corrupt nobody talks like Lebanon has a nuclear arsenal and and an advanced economy like no other... what a pity !

Missing rami 19 July 2020, 17:08

Le chien aboie, la caravane passe.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19 July 2020, 17:10

The other Hizbullah response version, no one expected a different response. He simply wants to hang on to power and the rest be damned. A new low with every appearance, how low? Well we have a front seats in this ugly play’s scenario (قال تنروح نزرع قال) and evening worse production. Tfeh.

Missing rabiosa 19 July 2020, 17:55

Just like they do not wan to do any reforms, same here, they do not want to dissociate and be neutral. These are all at the directive of the actual ruler of The Banana Failed State & Corrupt of Lebanon.

First it was Iranian ambassador, yesterday was the feckless PM and today this wannabe President.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 19 July 2020, 19:38

Hezbollah's ambassador visits Diman to tell al-Rahi what Hezbollah thinks of the patriarch's neutrality speech. By doing this the midget in law is, yet again, contradicting over 30 years of Aounist principles. He's hoping this will be enough to secure the support of the Hezb for his lagging presidential bid.

Thumb Geralt 20 July 2020, 12:31

Bassil and the likes of him will be doing everything to distance themselves from Hizbullah now that they are under the threat of the Cesar sanctions law (or whatever)!

Thumb thepatriot 21 July 2020, 18:43

Immonde personnage...