Report: Berri Expected to Discuss Govt. Formation in Meeting with Bassil

As part of efforts to reach an agreement on a new government, Speaker Nabih Berri will likely hold talks with head of Strong Lebanon parliamentary bloc MP Jebran Bassil in Ain el-Tineh, Saudi Asharq el-Awsat newspaper reported on Friday.
According to the daily, President Michel Aoun was the one to ask Berri to receive Bassil for talks on the government.
The meeting could expand to include political aide to Hizbullah leader Hussein Khalil, and Berri’s political aide Hassan Khalil, said the daily.
Berri has been meeting with senior officials in a bid to facilitate the formation of a new government after the resignation of PM Hassan Diab over the colossal Beirut port explosion, widely blamed on negligence and corruption by the country's ruling class.
Sources following the ongoing consultations to name a replacement for Diab, said that Berri has asserted during talks with Lebanese and foreign officials that ex-PM Saad Hariri is what the upcoming stage in crisis-hit Lebanon needs.
An-Nahar daily said Berri-Bassil talks are aimed at “easing the hurdles hampering the formation of a new government, and to appease the atmospheres before French President Emmanuel Macron re-visits Beirut early next month.”
In a show of solidarity with the Lebanese, Macron visited Lebanon two days after the devastating explosion that flattened large parts of the capital.

In order or change to happen, the protesters must go after these clowns. All these protests have accomplished nothing and this article is proof. So go after the head of the snake the Army needs to do the right thing as was done in Mali. People need to go to the homes of these crooks and burn them to the ground so they can feel some pain of the people...

We need an early election for our people to freely vote again! Whoever these thugs choose as prime Minister need to be for the request of an early election, or else we are back to the same Hassan Diab's government system- Ya3ne RIP lebanon, civil war is at the door!

Nawaf Salam For prime Minister. Experience and knowledge.

This guy is too smart to be the next Prime Minister. He will be a great PM. Please don't elect the same garbage again. we need to get rid of Berri, Bassel, etc..... All means all of them OUT!!! All existing politicians are thieves and no more for any of them....

These people are unreal. They are taking the Lebanese people in circles

No words indeed... These people are around because of their sheep followers. Because a stupid Aouni thinks that there is a conspiracy against him from everywhere and because a poor shia thinks that berri is saving him and does not realize he is actually stealing from him and making sure he is enslaved... The lebanese people are deeply divided and therefore we deserve these POS to rule us..