Shea Says Lebanon Sanctions Won’t Stop, France’s View on Hizbullah ‘Its Own’


U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea in an interview with Lebanese al-Modon newspaper on Saturday, said the US regularly meets with international partners who share the same desire to see Lebanon and its people march towards prosperity, noting that Hizbullah’s activities in Lebanon “serve its own interest.”

Asked about the differences or similarities in the French and American views on Lebanon, mainly that France “does not mind Hizbullah’s participation in the government.”

Shea told the newspaper the US remains in close contact with its French counterparts, but the “French proposal belongs to the French alone.”

“The United States has focused on the urgent necessity to form a new government that has the intention and capacity to implement long-awaited economic reforms to help restore the collapsing Lebanese economy, to rest on a solid base,” she said, adding “we are also cooperating with the international community through the International Support Group for Lebanon.”

On the bilateral relations between Lebanon and the US, Shea said: “We have been a committed partner for decades, working side by side with the Lebanese on issues of education, humanitarian aid, and strengthening Lebanon's security, stability and sovereignty.

“But when we discuss the issue of Hizbullah, the US position is clear. Our senior leaders in the State Department and the White House made it clear... and I personally repeated it more than once, its substance is: Hizbullah’s terrorist and illegal activities in Lebanon show that it cares more about its interests than what is best for Lebanon and the Lebanese people.”

On remarks of a change in Lebanon’s regime reportedly made by the French President, and whether the regional and international circumstances allow a new Lebanon system and change the sectarian one.

The Ambassador said that the Lebanese must determine the answer to this question, and that during his recent visit to Lebanon, Assistant Secretary of State David Hale spoke of the urgent need for Lebanon's elected leaders to put aside partisan concerns and interests and act out of the national interest.

“Focusing on what is best for Lebanon's future, and pursuing the best ways to tackle systemic corruption and mismanagement, is the key to a bright future for this country and its people. Therefore, it is only Lebanon that decides the formula for success, not the external actors or influencers,” said Shea.

On possible sanctions against Lebanese officials, namely Free Patriotic Movement chief MP “Jebran Bassil,” Shea said: “I will not dwell on rumors, but I can focus on the facts of our sanction policy. The administration's "maximum pressure" campaign is designed not only to stem the flow of money to "malicious forces", including Iran, but also to change the behavior of malicious actors and their allies.

“At the same time, I would like to emphasize that sanctions are not intended to harm ordinary Lebanese citizens. Our sanctions do not weaken Lebanon or its economy, and I would mention here that the country's economic crisis is the result of decades of corruption and mismanagement,” stated the ambassador.

Comments 6
Missing lebonknees4peace 29 August 2020, 13:46

I’m definitely a friend of Dorothy’s! God bless America!

Missing kazan 29 August 2020, 14:04

Being not emotionally or religiously involved in none of the Lebanese political parties, I may have different opinion. I agree that the activities of Hizb. party brought a lot of harm to Lebanon, however I am convinced that the Lebanese system created this party. I am sure that this party will disappear one day, but if the Lebanese system will not change , another political/militia party supported by the same or different foreign countries will emerge.

Thumb LongLiveLebanon 29 August 2020, 15:53

The ambassador's diagnosis is correct. The US can be a much stronger ally of Lebanon were it not for the presence and biased behaviour of a religious armed militia & political party serving as a proxy to the Iranian regime.

Missing rabiosa 29 August 2020, 17:46

I am beginning to dislike this Macron fella, not that I ever cared to start with. The Frenchys are too weak as well just all their European counterparts. They all cater more to their interests and trades with the Ayatollah than to the suffering and disintegration of Lebanon.

Never trusted any European when it came to politics. They should be thankful the Americans saved them in WWII or during the cold war with the USSR

Missing hammerhead1 30 August 2020, 03:18

Hay big john, Israel is here to stay, and by the way is Iran now part of greater Syria or greater Syria part of Iran. Whose playing who?

Default-user-icon cocoman (Guest) 30 August 2020, 08:12

She is right, Kizb is a terrorist organization. It's Lebanon's cancer, and there is one way to get rid of cancer...