Geagea Slams Hizbullah-FPM MoU, Says Ready to Discuss 'New Social Contract'

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Sunday lashed out at the 2006 memorandum of understanding between Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement, which was signed at the Mar Mikhail Church in Shiyyah.
“There is a magical word which summarizes the reasons behind everything we have reached, which is the Mar Mikhail understanding,” said Geagea in a speech in Maarab that followed an annual mass commemorating the LF fighters who fell during civil war.
“The Mar Mikhail understanding was a deal between two parties to secure their narrow partisan interests at the expense of Lebanon as a country and at the expense of the state, sovereignty and the Lebanese people,” he charged.
He added that “instead of bringing Hizbullah under the wing of the state,” the Mar Mikhail agreement “brought the state under the wing of Hizbullah, which destroyed every chance for the rise of a real state in Lebanon.”
Addressing Hizbullah, the LF leader said: “How bad do you want the situation in Lebanon to become? Is there a situation worse than the one we are living? Are you awaiting a full-fledged famine? Are you waiting for the Lebanese to die of hunger or disease or to get killed, burned, suffocated and lynched in mysterious explosions?”
“The time for returning to Lebanon has come… Hizbullah must change its behavior and orientations and it must organize its relations with the state, the same as any other party. It must engage in its rebuilding, it must cede the decision of war and peace to the state and it must end its blatant and unjustified foreign interventions,” Geagea went on to say.
Separately, the LF leader said his party is “ready” to discuss “a new social contract and a constituent assembly.”
“But let them know that the main focus will be broad decentralization,” he added.
06 September 2020, 19:07
Geagea: We are ready for a new social contract and a constituent assembly, but let them know that the main focus will be broad decentralization.
06 September 2020, 19:03
Geagea to Hizbullah: The time for returning to Lebanon has come… Hizbullah must change its behavior and orientations and it must organize its relations with the state, the same as any other party. It must engage in its rebuilding, it must cede the decision of war and peace to the state and it must end its blatant and unjustified foreign interventions.
06 September 2020, 19:00
Geagea to Hizbullah: How bad do you want the situation in Lebanon to become? Is there a situation worse than the one we are living? Are you awaiting a full-fledged famine? Are you waiting for the Lebanese to die of hunger or disease or to get killed, burned, suffocated and lynched in mysterious explosions?
06 September 2020, 18:54
Geagea: We shall remain, after they burned Beirut through their negligence and conspiration.
06 September 2020, 18:52
Geagea on Mar Mikhail understanding: Instead of bringing Hizbullah under the wing of the state, the state became under the wing of Hizbullah, which destroyed every chance for the rise of a real state in Lebanon.
06 September 2020, 18:50
Geagea: The Mar Mikhail understanding was a deal between two parties to secure their narrow partisan interests at the expense of Lebanon as a country and at the expense of the state, sovereignty and the Lebanese people.
06 September 2020, 18:50
Geagea: There is a magical word which summarizes the reasons behind everything we have reached, which is the “Mar Mikhail understanding.”
06 September 2020, 18:48
Geagea: No one can escape justice and because we don’t trust the incumbent authorities, we demand a transparent and credible international probe.
06 September 2020, 18:47
Geagea: Let no one think that they can cover up the issue of the port blast, seeing as it is bigger than any group, official or party and even bigger than everyone.
06 September 2020, 18:45
Geagea: The magnitude of Beirut’s vicious and treacherous explosion surpasses the outcome of the war.
06 September 2020, 18:43
Geagea: What they didn't take from Ashrafieh through war will not be taken by anyone through terror and criminal bombings and we demand an international probe.

this one is an opportunist, even worse, he is one of the corrupt warlords, he tries to escape through the back door

It is not an analysis, there is nothing new about what he is telling. The young future politicians of lebanon should not be fooled by popular statements of the established old corrupt politicians, disregards whether they were in the government or in the opposition, all of them betrayed the Lebanese people.

It is not an analysis, there is nothing new about what he is telling. The young future politicians of lebanon should not be fooled by popular statements of the established old corrupt politicians, disregards whether they were in the government or in the opposition, all of them betrayed the Lebanese people.

LF missed another opportunity to benefit Lebanon. LF parliaments members should have resigned same day as Kataeb regardless if Assad and Jumblat MP resigns. If done, parliament would have lost legitimacy and other opposition MPs would have been forced to resign. No salvation without new elections and no new elections with Hizb arms. This would have unified Thawra demands and received international support that cause Hizb arms becoming illegitimate similar to Assad army in 2005. Let there be new elections and if Shia elect same duo then it is fully justified to move full speed towards federalism as all Lebanon will chose democracy, freedom and prosperity over fake unity, oppression and misery.

The meraab agreement was a pos!
That being said... true resistance, is resistance to Ebola, even if Geagea is part of the old clique and undesirable...