STL Schedules 3rd Status Conference in Hawi-Murr-Hamadeh Case

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon's Pre-Trial Judge, Daniel Fransen, will hold a third Status Conference November 4, the STL said on Tuesday.
"The hearing aims at reviewing the status of the Ayyash case and ensuring the expeditious preparation for trial, through an exchange between the Prosecution, Defense and Legal Representatives of the Victims," the court said in a statement.
In a scheduling order Fransen stated that the hearing will begin at 10.00 AM (C.E.T.) and will be public, noting that he might decide to go into closed session during the course of the hearing if confidential matters need to be discussed.
The first status conference in the Ayyash case took place on 22 July 2020 and the second status conference took place on 16 September 2020.
The aforementioned case against Salim Ayyash -- a Hizbullah member convicted over the 2005 murder of ex-PM Rafik Hariri -- relates to the bomb attacks on Lebanese politicians Marwan Hamadeh, Georges Hawi and Elias Murr.