Report: Rahi ‘Angry’ with Aoun, Hariri and Bassil


Maronite Patriarch Beshara el-Rahi reportedly plans to seek the Vatican’s assistance in launching an international initiative towards Lebanon, amid reports he is holding “great anger” against officials mainly the President, the PSP's al-Anbaa electronic magazine said Wednesday.

The magazine said Rahi was angry at President Michel Aoun, PM-designate Saad Hariri and MP Jebran Bassil over the delayed formation of a much-needed government to help steer the country out of the crisis.

According to information obtained by al-Anbaa, Rahi plans to make contacts with the Vatican to launch an international initiative that “preserves” Lebanon and “shows interest” in the crisis-hit country.

It said there are attempts to kick off joint efforts between the Vatican and the United States of America, as Biden’s administration prepares to take office in January, in order to show interest in the Lebanese file.

"Rahi will resume his contacts on the governmental file after the holiday with Aoun and Hariri," unnamed sources told al-Anbaa.

He will also make contacts with various political forces in a bid to push for the formation of an “acceptable and efficient” government, away from quotas and bickering over ministerial portfolios, it added.

Comments 5
Missing kazan 30 December 2020, 09:51

impress us ,hit the streets , start a protest march, show your anger if you are sincere, otherwise keep praying

Missing kazan 30 December 2020, 10:00

I believe he doesn't realise what is the problem of Lebanon, it is very deep, it needs a reshuffle in the foundation of the constitution. Any new government, even technocrat specialists, will be a muppet show, another morphine injection to keep the public quiet for a while.

Thumb doodle-dude 30 December 2020, 15:38

lol @Rahi ‘Angry’

Missing rabiosa 30 December 2020, 15:50

Tayeb Batrak, remove the robe, put on a suit, form a political party and run for office

Default-user-icon Wassim (Guest) 30 December 2020, 19:17

Ouwattis and Katab2ib are our main problem, go live with your terrorist friend in Israel.
You are guilty as charged for being a terrorist organization and aiding Israel for the distraction of Lebanon, God will not help you.