Abiad: Younger COVID-19 Patients Admitted to ER

Director of the state-run Rafik Hariri University Hospital, Firass Abaid voiced concern on Friday over the rise in number of younger COVID-19 patients admitted to the emergency room.
“In the last two days, the Covid emergency department at RHUH was exceptionally busy. One particular observation was concerning. Younger patients are presenting more frequently to ER, many of them in critical condition,” he said in a series of tweets, and wondered “could this reflect a more dominant UK strain?”
According to the Health Ministry in Lebanon “cumulatively, 12% of Aleyh’s population have tested positive for Covid, the highest % in any Kaza in Lebanon. The true incidence is probably 4 times that number. Even with that, Aley has the highest incidence of new Covid cases in the past 14days,” he said.
When 50% of the population of the Kaza has been infected previously, “one expects a large portion have developed immunity to the virus. This immunity should help slow down community transmission, as the virus has less people to infect. This is still not being seen in Aley,” stated Abiad.
He said a report has shown that over the past weeks, the “test positivity rate was very high and trending upwards, revealing increasing community spread.”
Urging more people to get the vaccine, he concluded: “A slow vaccination drive is not helping either. Easing the lockdown is likely to continue. Double mask, avoid unnecessary gatherings and poor ventilation.”