Ibrahim's Initiative May Resolve Govt. Formation Crisis

General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim has held a “positive” meeting with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and “there is hope that the government might be formed soon,” Bkirki spokesman Walid Ghayyad said.
“Pressure must be focused in all directions at the moment” in order to form the new government, Ghayyad added, according to several newspapers.
The media reports added that the sought breakthrough “still needs an extra effort” and that Speaker Nabih Berri “is not distant from Ibrahim’s efforts.”
Privately-owned Central News Agency meanwhile reported that Ibrahim’s initiative calls for forming “a mission-driven government consisted of 18 specialist, nonpolitical ministers in which parties are not represented.”
“President Michel Aoun and his camp would be given five ministers in addition to one minister for Armenians but without getting a one-third-plus-one veto power,” the agency said.
“In return, the justice and interior portfolios would be given to PM-designate Saad Hariri, who has to choose the two ministers from three nonpolitical, nonpartisan and non-provocative candidates proposed by Aoun,” the agency added.
“Aoun has agreed to the proposal, but Hariri has demanded the approval of Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on it without setting a condition that the FPM MPs should agree to granting the government their votes of confidence,” the agency said.
Informed sources meanwhile told the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper that the main obstacle is still revolving around the interior portfolio in terms of who gets to name and who gets to pick the candidate.
The sources added that a Aoun-Hariri meeting in the coming days cannot be ruled out.

“President Michel Aoun and his camp would be given five ministers in addition to one minister for Armenians but without getting a one-third-plus-one veto power,” the agency said.
and those 6 ministers will be independent technocrats but named by Aoun:))!
They should all hang from top to bottom.

Hizbollah Vichy government No 2. Still occupied by the Basij thanks to Aoun marionette and his Faustian deal. Instead of putting them all in prison and disarming all militias, we let them form the new government of Ali Baba and the 18 to 40 thieves. Sad!

Thawra must be recreated from scratch with four fundamental core beliefs:
1. Neutrality (UN charter)
2. No arms outside army. 120 days to disarm all militias including HizbIran.
3. Demarcation of all land and maritime borders starting with Shebaa (180 days to complete)
4. Political reform and decentralization. Full transparency & accountability.
This Thawra should be baptized as Cedar Revolution II and exclude all who don't share the above core beliefs. It main strength from technocrats, professionals and lawyers inside Lebanon and in diaspora. Not a day to waste developing a full reform program and economic and redevelopment plan, identify representatives to negotiate with world organizations and World Bank, and prepare for million plus Cedar Revolution II demonstration day