Aoun: Government Formation Criteria Must be Respected


President Michel Aoun on Monday stressed the need for a quick formation of a government capable of dealing with the difficult economic and living conditions burdening the Lebanese for the last year and a half, the National News Agency reported.

The President also said the government should be formed according to specific criteria that respect the principles of equal distribution, while enabling those with powers to exercise their powers, without adopting the principle of “monopoly in the government formation process”.

Stances of Aoun came during a meeting with head of the General Labor Union, Beshara al-Asmar, today at Baabda Palace.

Al-Asmar, who was accompanied by a delegation from the Union, discussed current economic conditions and the issue of lifting subsidies on basic goods, with the President.

Comments 10
Thumb EagleDawn 29 March 2021, 15:22

“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ"
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

Thumb EagleDawn 29 March 2021, 15:27

٨٦ سنة كرامة و عزة و شموخ
٨٦ سنة وطنية و تحدي و صمود
٨٦ سنة نضال و محاربة و مقاومة
ينعاد عليك يا جبل شامخ بوج الريح
ينعاد عليك يا أجمل حلم نزرع فينا لنبقى مكملين
معك مبارح ، اليوم و بكرا و حتى الرمق الأخير
بحبك تتخلص الدني....
"الكرامة لا تشيخ"... لأنك كرامتنا"

Thumb skeletor 29 March 2021, 16:23

He promised he will move in by the end of this summer.

Thumb 29 March 2021, 17:04

Hang this criminal and his entire family NOW!

Thumb gebran_sons 29 March 2021, 17:10

It is inconceivable that this criminal, worst ever president of any country, is not yet in prison. It is inconceivable that Lebanese have not yet marched to liberate the south from the Iranian militia occupying its land and being the primary cause of our misery. Frogs in a boiling water would have more sense than sedated Lebanese. Wake up!

Thumb thepatriot 29 March 2021, 17:57

Crazy old fool!

Missing phillipo 29 March 2021, 20:33

Why does Lebanon need a Prime Minister when President Aoun thinks that he can control everything and even though the PM-designate has consulted with him, as the law demands, he oversteps the mark and believes that only he counts, and is the one whose demands have to be obeyed.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 29 March 2021, 20:39

Resign Criminal, Resign!

Thumb thepatriot 30 March 2021, 15:21

Welcome back tric!
We've missed u!

Thumb doodle-dude 30 March 2021, 16:20

lol @ tric.portugal
lol @ camoes
lol @ d.manuel.i