Israeli Foot Patrol Violates Blue Line


The Lebanese Army Command - Orientation Directorate issued a communiqué on Saturday, in which it indicated that an Israeli enemy foot patrol violated the "Blue Line" in the locality of Khirbet Sheaib.

Israeli troops crossed the line marching an approximate 45 meters distance into Lebanese territories.

The stayed for an interval of 10 minutes before returning back to the Palestinian territories.

The breach will be followed up in coordination with the UN Interim Force in South Lebanon, the communiqué added.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Asaf (Guest) 02 May 2021, 11:04

"Palestinian territories"? Who the hell wrote it? The Palestinian territories are nowhere near the Lebanese border.

Thumb 02 May 2021, 13:01

"Israeli troops crossed the line marching an approximate 45 meters distance into Lebanese territories.

…(sic)… before returning back to the Palestinian territories."

So here’s the fundamental question of the day, can there be such a thing as Israelis if they didn’t come from Israel ?

Thumb kanaanljdid 02 May 2021, 20:23

Indeed, such denial of reality became ridiculous.

Missing Cheesecake 03 May 2021, 02:11

They are foreigners who created a state on Palestinian land and called themselves israelis. Therefore israeli troops and hence Palestinian territories". It's not rocket science.