Start of Trial in Hamadeh-Hawi-Murr Case Canceled over Lack of Funds

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon Trial Chamber II has issued an order canceling the commencement of trial in the Hamadeh-Hawi-Murr case on June 16, 2021 due to “lack of funds,” the STL said on Thursday.
The Trial Chamber also suspended all decisions on filings presently before it, and on any future filings, until further notice.
The Chamber’s order was in response to the Registrar’s filing on 1 June 2021, which notified the Chamber of the “severe financial situation currently faced by the STL.”
“The imminent exhaustion of funds will impact the Tribunal’s ability to finance the continuation of judicial proceedings and completion of its mandate unless further contributions are forthcoming this month,” the STL said in a statement.
“The STL continues its intensive efforts to raise the funds required to carry on its ongoing judicial proceedings and reiterates its urgent call upon the international community for its continued financial support,” it added.
The so-called Ayyash case relates to the three attacks against Lebanese politicians Marwan Hamadeh, Georges Hawi and Elias Murr, on 1 October 2004, 21 June 2005 and 12 July 2005 respectively.
They were found to be connected with the bomb attack that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and many others on 14 February 2005.
The Accused, Salim Jamil Ayyash, a Hizbullah member, is charged with five counts, including acts of terrorism.
Ayyash has also been convicted over Hariri’s assassination while three other Hizbullah members were acquitted.