Iran Offers to Sell Lebanon Electricity at Competitive Price
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Iran has expressed readiness to provide Lebanon with 200-400 megawatts of electricity to resolve the country’s lingering power crisis, Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said in remarks published Sunday.
“Iran is ready to provide Lebanon with 200 to 400 MW which amount to 200 million kilowatt hours to 400 kilowatt hours,” Mansour told An Nahar after meeting with Iranian Ambassador Ghazanfar Roknabadi on Saturday.
Roknabadi handed the Lebanese FM a letter from his Iranian counterpart Ali Akbar Salehi on a proposal to help Lebanon resolve severe electricity rationing throughout the country.
Asked if the proposal was an Iranian grant, Mansour said: “The offer is to sell this amount at a competitive and preferential price to Lebanon.”
He added that Roknabadi told him that Iran has an energy surplus of 6 billion kilowatt hours.
The ambassador told reporters following his talks with Mansour that based on Iran’s experience with several other countries in the region, Lebanon is in need of 1,000 MW of electricity.
“We consider this amount very limited given that we currently export around 25,000 MW and have a surplus of 6 billion,” he said.
Asked about the timing of the project’s implementation if approved by the cabinet, Roknabadi said: “The process to supply (the electricity) requires less than 6 months.”
“As for the building of (power) stations, the process requires a year for transformers that produce 500 MW and two years for transformers that produce 1,000 MW,” he added.
The Iranian offer came a few days before a cabinet session scheduled to be held on Tuesday to discuss the electricity crisis.

Iran today is where Kaddafi was a year ago, a criminal regime that isolated its nation and stole its natural resources to buy arms, oppress its people, and support terrorists. This North-Korean type regime in Iran will not survive until 2013 as it will be deposed and tried by its people thirsty for freedom and democracy. Iranian oil embargo is coming. Lebanon should stay away from giving any financial resources to this criminal regime with blood on its hand. It will fund more basij to oppress the Iranian people when their Iranian Spring arrives.

cultural, military, and now economical colonization.....slowly but surely, Lebanon has become a surrogate of iran and the mullahs of qom. I would rather live in the dark than get electricity from the dark evils of persia.

How you are going to do it you liars, nothing but hot air balloon waiting to explode?

Seriously, thanks but no thanks, we buy electricity from them and then they think they own us! I would rather live without electricity then have Iran trabhna jmilit el electricity!

What is ironic is that Iran has a surplus of 6 billion kWh, yet it is still working on acquiring nuclear technology for "civil" purposes.
Replying to your question, what is wrong is that Iran is quite far from Lebanon, which will result in a considerable amount of losses in power transmission. Furthermore, Iran is a weak and unreliable business partner, especially on an international scale, due to the sanctions applied on it. Finally, the Lebanese government has to fix its electricity issue internally since we both know how susceptible it is to turn the "short term fix" into an eternal one. We already have enough external influence in our politics, let us not concretize it.
Try not to turn the issue into a sectarian one, and provide me with an "educated" reply if you choose to reply.

cookie monster, that is the same logic M8'ers use for M14'ers... Both have twisted logic, and you are not any better by siding yourself with one over the other.
Lebanon w bass..

Plus, i forgot to add, that if the electricity coming from Iran is free from "conditions" then why not?..... but i don't want their help if they think they can control lebanon

Ok, since you asked for an educated reply ya Rudes. Here we go (I have no idea y u went to a secterial arguement!)...
When you want to solve a problem you do nto seek the help of an unstable source that will shift if the tides shift. Will they maintain this offer at preferential rates if say in 2013 the elections results proved to be against them? When you are trying to solve this issue you need to have an independant power source that is within the country and not rely on a "current" friend of the "current" government.
I know that Iran values money more than allies (it has been proven that Isreal buys oil from Iran) but still getting in bed with them on this sensitive matter is not safe.

all bassil s plan was to reach this dealing: buy from iran...instead of finding a solution for this ongoing electricity scandal.
another trick to be dependent from the iranians...

It makes you wonder why they require a nuclear program if they have such excess supply...

i dont see any inconvenience: we take from everybody wether its farsi or long as we take,like the banks.

how much Aoun and Hassouni will make out of this???
i say hang them now

and hang all their close families..what a bunch of crooks they are

No for candles from Israel and no for charity from Iran. The only thing we need from Iran is to transfer the Hezb arms to the Lebanese army (change it from Islamic resistance to legitimate Lebanese resistance) and to pursuade their friends to pay their electric bills so we can use the money generated to generate electricity without any one doing us favors. There is no free lunch, it is time we stop accepting charities and stop our politicans from stealing. We have enough resources to develop our Lebanon with dignity and full Sovereignty.

Iran is becoming isolated and desperate. Syria is becoming isolated and desperate. I would rather Lebanon go back to being the Paris of the middle-east and not become part of this isolated culture of fear and hatred. So I agree with shab. Thanks but no thanks.

the filthy zionist information war department went mad when they realized that lebanon will buy cheap kahraba from iran.
they would rather like to sell their candles to us.
you will need your candles in next war. don't sell them to anybody.

Like blood diamonds, there is blood oil and Iranian's oil is on the top of the list of criminal regimes using national resources to oppress itsd people.

Iran should give Lebanon money for the decades of stolen electricity by the Hezz for their Persian brigade in Lebanon.
Why are they doing this now? We have had Hezz caused electricity problems for decades. Is it because ASSad is almost done? How will the electricity get to Lebanon if the new Syrian government does not have relations with them?

Let Israel bomb the shit out of us then we go to Iran cry for help

If it is without pooitical conditions, just a normal trading transaction, why not?
It would be good for Lebanon... Only if ALL people pay their bills,
Including dahyeh...etc

oh... cookie come on, you know perfectly well... isn t it strange that suddenly iran proposes its electricity after bassil proposed an electricity plan he knew perfectly well wouldn t be accepted?
iran proposes cheap prices and good conditions, aren t you suspicious of knowing their conditions behind that?
good boy anyway, i guess you need that transplant you are talking about for not seeing beyond your M8 nose...

the question is why are we buying electricity from Iran or anyone else for that matter . are we too stupid to built our own electric plants ? or our politicians wants to line up their pockets from Iran and Syria with the purchase of their electricity ! may be we should ask Aoun and his son in law what the answer is .

CoocCookie soon your fragile cookie will crumble!!! U knw it!!! U better star being nice to ur lebanese passport my friend! Its all wht u got left....

Thank you thank you Ghazanfar now if you could njust convince General Qasem Suleimani's employees in the South and Dahieh to just pay their bills. I would be eternally grateful to you, I'll even buy you a stylish polyester necktie with an elastic band to go with that becoming genuine select polyester suit you have on there.

Cookie_Monster actually the hezb 'terrorist idea' was Aoun's idea before there was a M14 media and their sheep. His sheep mindlessly repeated this idea for fifteen years.

@fudes or something, your reply is wortheless, given the technology level in the 21 st century, there is no power loss, or if there is , it will be minimal. Your second point, Iran is an unreliable business partners, can you please explain to me why India and China have decided to surpass the sanctions, payin iranians gold deposits for their fuel? Or is everybody workin with iran because they are dumb, (indians chinese russians sing france (undercover of course, same as iraq during chirac area), and you, my freedom fighter democracy lover freind, are gonna byocott them for your above arguments and wilayt el fakih? Seriously? So workin with the salafis in egypt and syria is a sign of openness, but discussin with the only RELIABLE AND PROGRESSIST power in the region iran , is a sin? of course i am not talkin about conservative reign in iran i'm talkin about the iranian people in general, the Islamic republic is here today, tomorrow another regime, what whill your arguments be??

We can't pay them with US $ because of sanctions--let's pay them with Syrian pounds instead. Almost as worthless as the Iranian rial.

Their surrogates in Lebanon have created the problem the Farsis are proposing to resolve! They want to sell us electricity, advanced weapons, manage our gaz potential resources...Goal is ever nearer..That's what Suleimani meant when he spoke a few days ago of the growing iranisastion of the country. Is this why Suleimani has masterminded the killing of Hariri and others? Soon Farsi will be the official language taught in schools in southern Labanon and Dahye...

@ Cookie Monster, you are sure you come from the future smart ass? i thought not long ago in 2005 , Aoun was asking in the parliament along with his FPM bloc to put pressure on Hezbollah so that they hand out their weapons, and a bit before that, in the 2000's , that Hezb was a terrorist group. My god , and you talk about 70-80s? I would contradict Aoun back then in 2000, Hezb was more respected and a real resistance. Now since 2006, it has turned into an iranian hub. But of course, insuline shots and a big dosage of LSD , along with post-traumatic disorder of having left his soldiers die while running the marathon to the french embassy , has hit the brains of your master, which is completely ( like yourself ) out of touch from reality.

@ Cookie Monster, even IF Aoun was right on everything, how can you follow such a disgrace and such a lacking of respect and noble behaviour ? Who would want a president that insults and shouts all the time like a madman? Let me remind you that real strong men with strong convictions, have strong words but in a diplomatic way , which they know how to convince their adversaries. Unfortunately, with the FPM , you think shouting, yelling and insulting like dobbermans is actually a proof of manhood, well , we all saw yale bado yi kasser rasso la hafez shou 3emel wa2ta assafo Baabda... we cant even compare Aoun to General Petain, which was a collaborator but at least the Vichy Regime was protecting the french people at least by collaborating, Aoun cannot even control his allies... Pathetic.

I don't believe it. The countries that have robbed us, imposed wars and destructions for decades are bombing us with propaganda so we hate Iranians, who have done nothing to us. Iran actually has been the only country that has given Lebanon its respect back, where no one today can attack Lebanon. That's the reality. To those who say Iran is not estable go and read other news not Zio_Wahabi news and see that they are moving forward every day and no one is able to stop them. Also they take care of those who form friendship and don't want slaves like many Zio_Wahabis are.