Line-Up that Hariri Submitted to Aoun Revealed

Al-Jadeed television, which held a lengthy interview with resigned PM-designate Saad Hariri overnight, has published the line-up that the PM-designate submitted to President Michel Aoun prior to his resignation.
Below is the draft line-up presented by Hariri:
- Sunnis: Saad Hariri (PM), Walid al-Akoum (Interior), Firass al-Abiad (Health), Lubna Misqawi (Justice), Nasser Yassine (Environment)
- Shiites: Youssef Khalil (Finance), Ibrahim Shahrour (Public Works), Maya Kanaan (Labor), Abdullah Nassereddine (Administrative Development), Jihad Murtada (Culture)
- Druze: Abbas al-Halabi (Education), Fouad Hassan (Minister of the Displaced)
- Maronites: Fadia Kiwan (Foreign Affairs), Firas Abi Nassif (Telecom), Lara Hanna (Agriculture), Salim Hani (Social Affairs), Walid Nassar (Tourism)
- Greek Orthodox: Joe Saddi (Deputy PM), Antoine Chedid (Defense), Saadeh al-Shami (Economy)
- Greek Catholic: Carole Ayyat (Energy), Fadi Samaha (Industry)
- Armenians and Minorities: Garabet Slikhanian (Youth and Sport), Joe Mila (Information)

So what exactly is wrong with such a varied government. Except that President Aoun can not control it.

Until people realise that the majority of people in Lebanon are LEBANESE nothing will change...

‘Greek orthodox’ ‘Greek Catholics’ ‘Armenians and minorities’
These denominations must cease to exist ! Are they Lebanese or Greek/Armenians? Is there such a thing as Turkish or Kurdish Sunnis or Iraqi Shias in our elections?