Lebanese Army Deploys in Wadi Khaled, Opposition Describes Measures as 'Syrian Orders'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Lebanese army deployed on Saturday in the northern village of Wadi Khaled after media outlets reported that members of the Free Syrian Army were present in the area.
“On Saturday morning the military carried out three airdrops in al-Rami village near Wadi Khaled and searched the area for hours,” a military source told LBC.
The source noted that these measures were taken depending on the circumstances and “it could end on Saturday.”
MP Moein al-Merehbi confirmed the incident, slamming the deployment of the army as “Syrian orders to President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji.”
“Media reports saying that there are terrorists infiltrating from Syria into Lebanon and vice-versa are bizarre and strange,” he stated.
Al-Akhbar newspaper reported that Wadi Khaled is a military base for the Free Syrian Army.
According to the daily the Free Syrian Army officers and troops are moving liberally along the illegal border crossings, smuggling weapons and transporting injured soldiers.
Merehbi expressed regret for this “Syrian deployment command” when the “martyrs and injured people in the area didn’t provoke the Lebanese state to do so.”
“There are plans between the (Lebanese) army and the Syrian forces to displace the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and to arrest those who are wanted” by the regime, Merehbi said.
He noted that the “Syrian army is forcing the residents of the area to refuse sheltering the refugees,” urging the “army to halt the ongoing Syrian violations in Lebanon.”
Resident ruled out to LBC that there are any members of the Free Syrian Army in the area or there are arms smuggling operations, demanding “the army to protect them from any Syrian violations.”
Future Movement MPs in Akkar Merehbi, Khaled al-Daher, and Khaled Zahraman issued a statement welcoming the army in the north as they warned from an attempt to “frighten the residents in the area and their Syrian guests instead of deploying to safeguard them from the (Syrian) regime’s brutal assaults.”
“How could the army’s deployment around houses in Akkar protect the residents, unless they aim at detaining any Syrian refugee that the regime demands,” the statement said, urging it to deploy along the Lebanese-Syrian border.
They added that “the army’s failure to take previous measures when the Assad troops violated the area” supports their statement.
Thousands of Syrian refugees have fled to Lebanon as the state cracks down on a popular revolt against President Bashar Assad regime, now in its eleventh month.
In November, The Syrian army laced the Lebanese border with landmines in a bid to curb arms smuggling and hampering army defectors and refugees from fleeing.
Syrian troops have also staged deadly incursions into border villages in neighboring Lebanon.
The United Nations estimate earlier this month that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the crackdown since protests against the Assad regime began in mid-March.

Mouraaby= Bla Bla Bla. Akkar doit purifier de ces intégristes les libanais en premier et les autres quelque soit leur nationalité. il est normal qu'il y ait des syriens, compte tenu des liens des 2 côtés de la frontière, mais pas d'intégristes. Par contre il est anormal de trouver des barbus Saoudiens, Marocains et mêmes des Afghans...etc.

Il faut en finir avec ces salafistes qui commencent à imposer un impôt au habitants de Akkar

The Syrian embassador visited all 3 traitors and ordered the weak Lebanese president to do what the syrians want. The president jumps @ the Syrian commands, Shame on you Mr. president and the Hizb army.

allouchi, what's going on wit the army? Shouldn't they be sent to protect Hariri's Al Qaida - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades instead of closing in on them? All of a sudden, it looks like the game over prediction by Dr. Samir Mkhashkhash and the rest of you guys is not going as predicted! We have been waiting for your never-ending predictions to materialize before you break another Guinness World Record. As Gabby said elsewhere, the Arab League should also send Al Qaida - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades anti-tank missiles and impose anti-flies and anti-mosquitoes zone over Wadi Khaled al Daher village.

I hear from my friends M14, the lebanese army is defecting, and joining Bashar's syrian army.

Thumbs up for the Free Syrian Army, but not from Lebanese lands.

The lebanese army? we have an army? lol, yes when it comes to obey to Syrians. Poor Lebanese army officers and soldiers, some highly trained to obey to foreigners. My point of view on the thing is that the LEBANESE ARMY SHOUlD have been there since the beginning of the Syrian Unrest. not now when there are reports of the free syrian army beeing there. this looks clearly like an order to our lebanese weak president and prime minister. As for the free syrian army, if it really is in Wadi Khaled and people are hiding them. Let them get bombarded, all of them but only by the LEBANESE ARMY. I might be from the side of the free people of Syria, but our land is not the land where their fight should happen from. They have many places in Syria or Jordan to organise their free armies. Let them go there, but ALL OF them, FREE ARMY OR FREE BACHAR, BACK OFF LEBANON AND LEAVE US ALONE.

the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating about lebanese army defecting to syrian army and some other stupidities.

Bravo à l'armée. il faut nous débarrasser notre pays du cancer salafiste. débarrasser Akkar de cette pourriture intégristes.

Once again the Lebanese military is being used as a tool of the Syrian regime. Like back in the good old days of Syrian 'peacekeepers', the same peacekeepers killing thousands in Syria now.

Cookie?what army should u be proud of?the one who stood up watching the syrian army violation?
or the joke of an army who did nothing when the hizbollah thugs killed samer hanna?(regardless of who was wrong and who was right).
What about may the 7th?when again hizbollah s thugs invaded beirut?and in Jabal were confronted and slaughtered by the Ishtiraki Militia who are still keeping their weapons?
or you mean the occasional army of nahr el bared thugs?
The lebanese army is the biggest joke in lebanon.face it.JOKE JOKE JOKE

unfortunately you're right with all what you have said!
RIP Francois El Hajj.
a day will come when all the Lebanese clearly find out that 99% of their commanders sold them and sold their country for personal benefits; some of them loudly and most of them in the name of bla bla bla (mainly refering to michel aoun, rafic hariri, berri, jimblat, lahoud akid, hrawi 3ala rason and many many others...)

the army never deployed to prevent arms smuggling from syria to the hezb... how come now they deploy? funny thing politics...

who weakened the presidency the most? emile lahoud aoun s best friend...

If the Lebanese Army becomes a too for Hezbollah than they will be a foreign army

the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating a lot, including mixing the identities of our glorious resistance and army that is on close relation with our glorious resistance.

@Cookie, you must be kidding right ? the only 2 lebanese institutions left for christians? tell me, the army is under Hezb control.Half of it is chiite and it can be easily split in case of a war or divergence of opinions with the Hezb. Second , support the FPM in its fight against Taef? are you dumb or what? Taef although took president powers gave the christian an equal share in governement and parliament of 50 % when we are not even 30% anymore in the country. comprimising both chiites and sunnites , as well as druzes. I dont support Taef because it lacks a lot of things, but for christians i think its the best right now with Hezb around, anyway presidency is nothing . .

@ cookie , But on the other hand, as a patriot, and not a hater of SUNNITE OR CHIITE, like your general, i would want Hezb to hand over its weapon to the lebanese state and lets all revise the taef, but when its still call AL MOUKAWAMA EL ISLAMIYA, and turbans everywhere, Iranians saying south is their second base and MANAR having no Sunnite, christian or druze anchorman or anchorwomen, i will still suppot Taef

@ cookie, By revising the taef ya Mr light of wisdom of the universe,you will have to give the sunnite and the chiites more, because they are more than christians right now. they cannot stay at 50% with us . And you know whats weird, you president , instead of anhilating the taef , he supports it as well, remember asking half of the ministers beeing christians ? this is from Taef. and half of the parliament 50 % christians? and playing on the numbers according to the Taef. Insulting the president all the time and undermining his decisions ?? THIS IS TAEF AS WELL!!, your general is nothing but a traitor, a liar , a deceiver. Satan himself. He destroyed lebanon in his fake liberation war, when Hafez didnt give him the presidency. Then ran away like a chicken to France to live la vida loca for 15 years. Now back again to screw Lebanon.

@Flamethrower or former cookie, you are very amusing, gobble everything they feed me? Taef is known to give equal power sharing between christians and muslims. Scrap it, without Hezbollah entering the state and giving up its weapons, or the sunnis not giving me any guarantees, tell me, how will i , as a christian, get represented , since today we are less than 35%? Logically the muslims must hold more shares in the governement since they outnumber the christians. If you dont have a strong capable state, and no weapons outside of it, whether palestinians or Hezbollah, no one will be well represented. Anyway Aoun knows that Hezb isnt after the power, because it already has it , thanks to him and his lies and propaganda. I never said Aoun hates muslims ya hmar, i said he doesnt like sunnis, specially Hariri. He wants to be the sole representative of christians , so he has to admit Hariri represents a strong 70% of the sunniites as well.

@ Flamethrower, and your general , tell me, since he wants to give back the president his prerogatives, what has he been doing exept undermining his presence all the time and critizing him? exept imposing only candidates that HE wants? as he was the president himself? khallass stop talking like an ignorant fool you are , it is well known of Aoun's philosophy " Ana aw la a7ad "... You think im Kataeb or LF, im more kataeb maybe, dont put me in the LF bag, i do not support their views right now... So maybe you to sshould stop ticking a stamp on me and answering to my posts with your same idiotic response to Lf or Mustaqbal policies or fans.

@ Flamethrower, if you are that certain of General Aoun's policies, i hope you keep following him and applauding his disgusting presence. Even if i dont follow his policies, i respect a man after his words, his actions , lets see Aoun :
- Insults daily people. No respect, no moderate language.
- Runaway bride to France and dear friend of Speedy gonzales.
- Comes back to Leb in 2005 , you should watch the video , and WHO was there ( Half of the people were SSNP !, strange coincidence? )
- Undermines Michel Sleiman , and Mikati. ALTHOUGH he clearly stated several times, that his ministers are at Sleiman's disposal.
- Never criticize his ally Berri, who closed down the Zahrani power plant and controles it. Doesnt ask from the Hezb to collect the unpaid tax money or electricity bills.
- But of course wants Change and reform. And of course as well his son in law IMBASSIL , has half of the land in Batroun. when he didnt own anything before coming to the governement.

@ Flamethrower, Not to mention also his famous : We want only competent people and not people that come back to seats because they are the sons of well-known politicians. Yes of course Aoun, Bassil is a nobody to you , so as Alain Aoun. And the most important thing, he obstructed the formation of earlier governements just to put Bassil. And not to forget Abboud ( SSNP) , NAHASS ( COmmunist) , all believers of the FREE INDEPENDANT LEBANON... Lek cookie , or flamethrower, go grow up some reflexion in your messed up brain, you need clearly advice and direction, which you never had thats for sure. But im sure with your great savior , the light of this universe, the great general, he will send his knowledge beams to your spirit and enlighten you as always.