Jumblat: Syrian Crisis Can Only Be Solved through Overthrowing its Regime

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat rejected on Monday Syrian President Bashar Assad’s remarks that his regime will remain, “but Syria will be divided.”

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “The political solution that calls for the end of the Syrian regime is the only way to settle the crisis.”

“No sound human being cannot but support the political solution to the crisis because the alternatives will mean the eruption of civil war,” he added.

“It’s only logical that the political solution favor the Syrian people and its demands,” he noted.

Furthermore, the MP said that he is still hoping that Russia would play a central role in ending the crisis, which requires immediate action “because experience with the Syrian regime has taught us that it is adept at stalling.”

Jumblat wondered however if reaching a political solution would be possible under the current ruling family in Syria, noting that it had squandered opportunity after opportunity for saving the country from its crisis.

In addition, the PSP leader rejected media claims that the Syrian regime has become closer to ending the people’s uprising, deeming such reports as “delusions because the Syrian people will not back down from their demands after all the sacrifices they have presented.”

“The security solution will only complicate matters,” he stressed.

“A united Syria is more important that the survival of the regime,” said the Druze leader.

Turning to local Lebanese developments, the MP noted that the USD 2.5 billion deficit in the energy sector could have been employed years ago in building new power plants “instead of now using such funds in wasting time to find power-generating vessels.”

On the telecommunications sector, he remarked that its services have “deteriorated greatly” after the renewal of the licenses of the mobile phone providers, despite some ministers’ reservations on the matter.

Addressing the possession of arms outside the authority of state institutions, Jumblat noted: “We have repeatedly said that this issue can be tackled through the national dialogue, which we hope will be convened soon.”

“Only the state can protect the Lebanese and limit the possession of arms instead of allowing it to be spread chaotically among the people,” he added.

Comments 22
Thumb geha 19 March 2012, 18:05

when the so called president is saying that!!!!
all he wants is to stay in power even if the country is divided!!!!!
excellent man :)

Thumb primesuspect 19 March 2012, 19:52

Jumblatt is the smartest of all, I'm not druze but that's something I cannot deny him. Someone with such a brain should be our president.

Missing minawi 19 March 2012, 23:19

I am not Druze or Orthodox either but I support any Druze or Orthodox to be president/Prime minister/speaker.

enough is enough of the sectarian mentality

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 19 March 2012, 18:30

The media claiming that the revolution is about to be snuffed out obviously aren't following events in Damascus where for the first time the military is losing control of the situation, in Aleppo where there are attacks on the security forces, Deir Ez Zor where the streets have been taken by the rebels and Raqqa where for the first time since the revolution started there are protests occurring in a former Assad stronghold. They stop the revolution in one place (Homs) and it spreads to other places and it continues.

Thumb bigsami 19 March 2012, 19:10

Cut the snake's head off (Assad) and there will be peace and advancement in the region. This regime is holding back all the great young scholars who are going elsewhere with their talent because of Assad's desire to keep the people living under the rule of prehistoric conditioned days. Get rid of him and the rest should rot away with it (HA) leaving the door for our young people to channel & invest their minds into their countries....making that region one the world will envy and wish to follow. OUT with you Assad....your days and family fun in the sun are DONE!

Missing jabalena 19 March 2012, 19:13

only the state and that means the iranians and syrians weapons should be handed over to the state which we hope is the sole representative of the lebanese people then if HA wants to merge in with the army there should be through a formula acceptable to all lebanese which can only be achieved via dialogue and discussions which Juimblat has been calling for a long time now.

Assad days are numbered - only a matter of time when the russians and chinese will stop this idiotic support of this repressive regime and the syrian people will be freed from this tyrant and his clowns.

Thumb sophia_angle 19 March 2012, 19:19

From a bad regime to a worse that sounds g8 man!

After Lebanon, Syria with all its faults is the closest to democracy among all Arabic countries. We all need democracy to prevail, without freedom life is doomed, to achieve this we must first prepare souls through early education and slowly not wars.

However the objective from all this is not democracy it's all about Israel weakening its 'enemies' n dividing the region, creating a palestinian state taking part of Lebanon n Syria .

Thumb geha 19 March 2012, 20:42

oh go get a life

Missing peace 19 March 2012, 21:25

seems you don t understand a thing in politics...

Missing jabalena 19 March 2012, 19:47

the joke of the century ids to think ridding us form assad /baath means strengthening isreal. assad/ baath is the best friend that isreal could have as a neighbor. not a single shot has been fired form the golan since the 70's is a prime example. just read few historic events and you will find out why isreal doesn't want to see the assad leave.

Thumb benzona 19 March 2012, 21:12

It's called politics.... And what you denounce is no less the standard worldwide.

Thumb Bandoul 20 March 2012, 03:38

Thunmbs up!

Missing minawi 19 March 2012, 23:16

I like Junblat and if anyone of you does not like him wait 5 minutes and he will be on your side and you will like him.

Well, aside from the flip flopping (dawakhni ya zalameh) he is on the right side now.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 19 March 2012, 23:43

for me jumblat never flipped, its his same stand with different faces...anyway he is checking 8 march inside the gvmt better than being outside.

Default-user-icon honesty (Guest) 20 March 2012, 02:07

day after day I come to admire this man for his piercing perceptions and ideas. This man is the only politician in Lebanon that makes real sense and has the ability to foresee the future with accuracy and also act immediately to prevent chaos and anarchy. I agree with Jumblat also that the syrian uprising is unlikely to subside nor disappear after all the sacrifices that they shed for the sake of freedom. I also agree that united syria is more important than the staying of the family regime. Syria is not a small nation. It has 23 million people and is considered large by comparison to other nations. 23 Mil can't be family governed anymore as logic dictates.

Missing helicopter 20 March 2012, 04:31

I think Jumblat is doing to M-8 a fraction of M-8 did to M-14 when they shared the Government. Same medicine, different patient.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 20 March 2012, 04:47

Jumblat is right, he speaks the truth on this issue. The killer giraffe has to go, for the good of Syria and Lebanon.

I am no fan of Jumblat, but He is showning a lot of courage... The rat Nasrallah has big ears and is not keen on anyone who does not follow orders :-)

Missing minlibnan 20 March 2012, 09:50

Jumblat you are on the right path. Now stay on it!

Missing beirutbastard00 20 March 2012, 11:30

Jumblatt is trying to save the syrian druze from the sunni massacre that will follow the fall of assad.

Thumb jcamerican 20 March 2012, 13:10

The Syrian people will not accept Bashar after all the sacrifices. Look at the Lebanese civil war, no civilized person would ever imagine all these thugs would still be ruling in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon John Williams (Guest) 20 March 2012, 16:11

Israel and the USA will not be satisfied with Assad's fall they will attack Hezbollah and Iran also. That is the NeoConservative plan outlined clearly in Project for a New American Century. That means the destruction of Southern Lebanon at the very least. Jumblatt was disingenuous when he took his son to meet Nasrallah after Hezbollah didn't destroy him in his "stronghold" just short while ago. Who could have forgotten that already? Now Jumblatt is betraying Narch 8 like he turned on March 14, You may also remember that Nasrallah predicted this possibilty. If Assad falls do you think Jumblatt deserves another pardon from Hezbollah for taking sides? Why should he?

Missing minlibnan 20 March 2012, 17:11

Sunni massacre ?? You have this all wrong. The Sunni are fighting for their freedom not looking for a civil war.